Our works,
publications and social works
in our laboratory.
Reserch of marin biogeochemistry, molecular biology,
coral reef ecosystem and defence mechanism of coral.
It is well known that marine ecosystems are actually under threatened due to climate change and anthropogenic disturbances. Within these scenarios We would like to clarify how these ecosystems respond to environmental stressors and within what limits of tolerance they can function by keeping their stability, biodiversity and health.
Peer reviewed
Journal of Phycology, 51(1): 37-45. doi:10.1111/jpy.12253
Finding of 132, 173-cyclopheophorbide a enol as a degradation product of Chlorophyll in shrunk zooxanthellae of the coral Montipora digitata.
Suzuki T, Casareto BE, Shioi Y, Ishikawa Y, Suzuki Y (2015)
Procedia Chemistry 14, 444-454. doi: 10.1016/j.proche.2015.03.060
A survey of photosynthetic pigments from surface to oligotrophic deep seawater in Suruga Bay, Japan.
Miyata W, Suzuki T, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y, Shioi Y (2015)
Cryobiology and Cryotechnology, 60(1): 17-22.
Role of bioaerosol in the environment: Plus and Minus
Suzuki Y, Casareto BE (2014)
Eco-Engineering, 26(3): 81-88.
Dissolved organic carbon cycling and the roles of the microbial community in the coexistence of corals and seagrasses in Bise, Okinawa, Japan.
Meekaew A, Casareto BE, Higuchi T, Chumun PK, Suzuki Y (2014)
Scientific Reports, 3: 2835. doi: 10.1038/srep02835
The paradox of enrichment in phytoplankton by induced competitive interactions.
Tubay JM, Ito H, Uehara T, Kakishima S, Morita S, Togashi T, Tainaka K, Niraula MP, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y, Yoshimura J (2013)
Comptes Rendus Biologies, 336(8): 384–391. doi: 10.1016/j.crvi.2013.07.003
The effects of thermal and high-CO2 stresses on the metabolism and surrounding microenvironment of the coral Galaxea fascicularis.
Agostini S, Fujimura H, Higuchi T, Yuyama I, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y, Nakano Y (2013)
Galaxea JCRS, 15(2): 19-26.
Antibacterial activity of scleractinian corals in Okinawa, Japan.
Sato K, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y, Kodani S (2013)
Eco-Engineering, 25(3): 75-83.
High Nitrate levels exacerbate Thermal Photo-physiological stress of zooxanthellae in the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis.
Chumun PK, Casareto BE, Higuchi T, Irikawa A, Bhagooli R, Ishikawa Y, Suzuki Y (2013)
Journal of Plankton Research, 35(4): 813-830. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbt034
Reproduction and population structure of the salp Iasis zonaria (Pallas, 1774) in three successive winters (1999-2001) in the southwestern Atlantic ocean (34° 30’ to 39° 30’S).
Daponte C, Palmieri M, Casareto BE, Esnal GB (2013)
Natural Product Research: Formerly Natural Product Letters, 27(20): 1859-1862. doi: 10.1080/14786419.2013.768992
Montiporic acid D, new polyacetylene carboxylic acid from scleractinian coral Montipora digitata.
Kodani S, Sato K, Higuchi T, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y (2013)
Journal of Experimental marine Biology and Ecology, 440: 54–60.
Bacterial enhancement of bleaching and physiological impacts on the coral Montipora digitata.
Higuchi T, Agostini S, Casareto BE, Yoshinaga K, Suzuki T, Nakano Y , Fujimura H, Suzuki Y (2013)
Galaxea JCRS, 14: 119-131.
Contribution of coral rubble associated community to the dissolution of calcium carbonate under high pCO2.
Islam MN, Casareto BE, Higuchi T, Niraula MP, Suzuki Y (2012)
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 102-103: 84–94.
Dynamics of organic carbon under different inorganic nitrogen levels and phytoplankton composition.
Casareto BE, Niraula MP, Suzuki Y (2012)
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 98(2): 163–170.
Extended geographic distribution of several Indo-Pacific coral reef diseases.
Weil E, Irikawa A, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y (2012)
Coral Reefs, 31(1) 147–156.
Biological and chemical characteristics of the coral gastric cavity.
Agostini S, Suzuki Y, Higuchi T, Casareto BE, Yoshinaga K, Nakano Y, Fujimura H. (2012)
Journal of Marine Biology, vol. 2012 ID 25951, 9 pages. doi: 10.1155/2012/259571
Cyanobacteria in coral reef ecosystems: A review.
Charpy L, Casareto BE, Langlade MJ, Suzuki Y (2012)
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(8) 1702–1707.
Growth anomalies on Acropora cytherea corals.
Irikawa A, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y, Agostini S, Hidaka M, van Woesik R (2011)
Coral Reefs, 30(Suppl.1): 45–55.
CNP budgets of a coral-dominated fringing reef at La Réunion, France: Coupling of oceanic phosphate and groundwater nitrate.
Cuet P, Atkinson MJ, Blanchot J, Casareto BE,Cordier E, Falter J, Frouin P, Fujimura H, Pierret, C, Susuki Y, Tourrand C (2011)
Modern Applied Science, 5(1): 3–11.
Behavior of dissolved organic matter in coral reef waters in relation with biological processes.
Fairoz MFM, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y (2011)
Microbial Ecology, 59(1): 174–186.
Dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in microbial mats of two shallow coral reef ecosystems.
Charpy L, Palinska KA, Casareto BE, Langlade MJ, Suzuki Y, Abed RMM, Golubic S (2010)
Phycologia, 48(Suppl.): 98-99.
Primary producers and nitrogen fixers colonizing coral rubble of coral reefs at Ryukyus, southern Japan.
Ohba H, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y (2009)
Seawater carbonate chemistry, primary production, biomass and calcification of plankton and bacteria.
Casareto BE, Niraula MP, Fujimura H, Suzuki Y (2009)
Aquatic Biology, 7(1-2): 59–70.
Effects of carbon dioxide on the coccolithophorid Pleurochrysis carterae in incubation experiments.
Casareto BE, Niraula MP, Fujimura H, Suzuki Y (2009)
Galaxea, JCRS, 11(1): 1-11.
Coral Symbiotic Complex: Hypotesis trough vitamin B12 for a new evaluation.
Agostini S, Suzuki Y, Casareto BE, Nakano Y, Hidaka M, Badrun N (2009)
Proceedings 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Florida, USA, July 7-11, pp.890-894.
Nitrogen fixation in coral reef environments.
Casareto BE, Charpy L, Langlade MJ, Ohba H, Suzuki Y (2008)
Proceedings 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Florida, USA, July 7-11, pp 931-934.
Nitrogen dynamics in symbiotic relationships of corals.
Shiroma K, Suzuki Y, Daigo K, Agostini S, Fairoz MFM, Casareto BE (2008)
Proceedings 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Florida, USA, July 7-11, pp 917-921.
New Approach to study the coral symbiotic complex: Application to vitamin B12.
Agostini S, Suzuki Y, Casareto BE, Nakano Y, Failoz MFM, Shiroma K, Irikawa A, Daigo K (2008)
Proceedings 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Florida, USA, July 7-11, pp.895-899.
Role of organic matter in chemical symbiosis at coral reefs: release of organic nitrogen and amino acids under heat stress.
Failoz MFM, Suzuki Y, Casareto BE, Agostini S, Shiroma K, Charpy L (2008)
Journal of Marine Systems, 64: 135-152.
Examining the regeneration of nitrogen by assimilating data from incubations into a multi-element ecosystem model.
Smith LS, Casareto BE, Niraula MP, Suzuki Y, Hargreaves JC, Annan JD, Yamanaka Y (2007)
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 348: 23-32.
Examining the effects of nutrients on the composition and size of phytoplankton using unaltered deep-sea waters.
Niraula MP, Casareto BE, Smith LS. Hanai T, Suzuki Y (2007)
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Technologies, www.ghgt8.no
Role of marine ecosystem for increasing CO2 sinks.
Casareto BE, Magi M, Kurosawa K, Niraula MP, Takagi N, Suzuki Y(2006)
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Technologies, www.ghgt8.no
International standard for CO2 sequestration using marine biological system: effect and influence of fertilization.
Casareto BE, Suzuki Y, Niraula MP, Magi M, Yamada K (2006)
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Technologies, www.ghgt8.no
Evaluation of CO2 budgets to increase of oceanic CO2 sinks using an artificial upwelling system.
Magi M, Azuma K, Suzuki T, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y (2006)
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Technologies, www.ghgt8.no
Role of physical process for increasing of CO2 sinks using artificial upwelling system.
Magi M, Honda Y, Azuma K, Suzuki T, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y (2006)
Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan, June 28-July 2, 2004, pp 913-924.
Organic Production and Calcification in Coral Reef Communities of Bora Bay, Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan.
Ishikawa Y, Suzuki Y, Casareto BE, Omori T (2006)
Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan, June 28-July 2, 2004, pp 844-853.
Phototrophic prokaryotes in Bora Bay, Miyako Island, Japan.
Casareto BE, Charpy L, Blanchot J, Suzuki Y, Kurosawa K, Ishikawa Y (2006)
Eco-Engineering, 17(2): 121-131.
Development of carbon biomass using incubations of unaltered deep-sea water.
Niraula MP, Casareto BE, Hanai T, Smith LS, Suzuki Y (2005)
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Technologies, www.ghgt7.ca
Evaluating the effectiveness of artificial marine structures as upwelling-generators to enhance oceanic CO2 sinks.
Magi M, Casareto BE, Suzuki T, Honda Y, Suzuki Y, Niraula MP (2004)
Eco-Engineering, 16(1): 39-44.
Bio-aerosols in the Geosphere Module of CEEF.
Casareto BE, Abe K, Ishikawa Y, Nitta K, Suzuki,Y (2004)
Galaxea, JCRS, 5: 11-19.
Refractory and labile organic carbon in coral reef seawater.
Ikeda Y, Fukami K, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y (2003)
Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 1: 817-822. Elsevier Science Ltd.
Possibility of high CO2 fixation rate by coral reef ecosystems.
Yamada K, Suzuki Y, Casareto BE, Komiyama H (2003)
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 36(4): 417-427.
CO2 sequestration and fate of Organic matters within seagrass (Zostera marina) Ecosystem.
Suzuki Y, Fujii M, Casareto BE, Furuta A, Ishikawa Y (2003)
Proceedings 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia. Vol. 1: 555-559.
Import and export fluxes of HMW-DOC and LMW-DOC on a coral reef at Miyako Island, Okinawa.
Suzuki Y, Casareto BE, Kurosawa K (2000)
Proceedings 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia. Vol. 1: 95-100.
Particulate organic carbon budget and flux in a fringing coral reef at Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan un July 1996.
Casareto BE, Yoshida K, Suzuki Y. (2000)
Journal of Geoscience, Shizuoka, 26: 71-82. (In Japanese withEnglish abstract)
Behavior of sub-micron particulates in seawater.
Shinomura Y, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y (1999)
Journal of Environmental Quality, 28: 311-317.
Marine Biogeochemical Cycle of P-32/P33.
Suzuki Y, Casareto BE, Asada T (1999)
In: Proceedings of internationalworkshop on the CO2 cycling and metabolism in coral reef, Kyoto, Nov.19-20, 17-26.
Role of planktoniccommunity in the carbon cycle of a coral reef at Miyako Island, Japan.
Casareto BE, Yoshida K, Suzuki Y (1998)
In: Proceedingsof international workshop on the CO2 cycling and metabolism in coralreef, Kyoto, Nov.19-20, 1-8.
Behavior of Organic matters in coralreef water at Miyako Island, Japan.
Suzuki Y, Casareto BE,Yoshida K, Shinomura Y, Kurosawa K (1998)
Atmospheric Research,40: 19-31.
Characteristics of dust-stormparticles and their long-range transport from China to Japan-case studies inApril 1993.
Zhou M, Okada K, Qian F, Wu PM, Su L, Casareto BE, Shimohara T (1996)
GeophysicalResearch Letter, 23: 173-17.
Biological Micro-Particles in Rain Water.
Casareto BE, Suzuki Y, Okada K, Morita M (1996)
Proceedingof the 2nd International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Removal.
Energy Convers. Mgmi, 36: 737-740. Elsevier Science Ltd.The Importantrole of organic matter cycling for the biological fixation of CO2 incoral reefs.
Suzuki Y, Nakashima N, Yoshida K, CasaretoBE, Taki M, Hiraga T, Okabayashi T, Ito H, Yamada K (1995)
Proceeding of the 2ndInternational Conference on Carbon Dioxide Removal. Energy Convers. Mgmi,36: 775-778. Elsevier Science Ltd.
The roleof a coral reef ecosystem in the biological fixation of CO2.
Casareto BE, Yoshida K, Suzuki Y, Hiraga T(1995)
Dr. Thesis, Universityof Buenos Aires, Faculty of Exactand Natural Sciences, Buenos Aires,Argentine. (332 pp.)
Distribution and Ecology of Pelagic Tunicates (FamilySalipidae) With Special Reference to The Austral Ocean.
Casareto BE (1989)
Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol., 1: 90-104.
Latitudinal variation of the number of musclefibers in Salpa thompsoni (Tunicata, Thaliacea) in the Southern ocean.Implications for the validity of the species Salpa gerlachei.
Casareto BE, Nemoto T (1987)
Mem. Natl. Inst. Polar Res., Spec. Issue,40: 221-239.
Salps of the Southern Ocean (Australian Sector)during the 1983-84 summer, with special reference to the species Salpa thompsoni, Foxton, 1996.
Casareto BE, Nemoto T (1986)
Physis, Buenos Aires, Secc. A, 52(94):56-60. (Spanish with English abstract)
Iasis zonaria (Pallas, 1774) (Tunicata,Thaliacea) de las costas argentines, Reproduccion y distributcion.
Esnal GB, Daponte MC, Casareto BE, Castro RJ (1985)
Physis,Buenos Aires, Secc. A, 41(101): 129-133. (Spanish with English abstract)
Estudio sobre variacion latitudinal en Iasis zonaria(Pallas, 1774), (Tunicata, Thaliacea).
Esnal GB, Casareto BE, Daponte MC (1983)
Chapters on Books
「サンゴ礁学」, 東海大学出版会, 編 鈴木款・大葉英雄・土屋誠
カサレト ベアトリス,中野義勝
In: Coral Reefs: An Ecosystem in Transition, Z. Dubinsky and N. Stambler (eds.), pp 207-214. <ahref=”http://del.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-94-007-0114-4_14″>doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-0114-4_14
The Role of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) in Coral Biology and Reef Ecology
Suzuki Y, Casareto BE (2011)
生態工学ハンドブック Vol.2 水圏環境・養殖と生態工学, pp 44-50, 編 生態工学会
鈴木款,カサレト ベアトリス (2013)
国際サンゴ礁研究・モニタリングセンターニュースレター Lagoon
カサレト ベアトリス (2008)
Marine Science, 13: 122-130. (In Japanese with English abstract)
Behavior of particulate Organic Matters in the transit zone in the Kuroshio
Suzuki Y, Casareto BE(1998)
Proceeding of IGAC, 154-156, Nagoya
A role of atmospheric organic particles in climate change
Suzuki Y, Casareto BE, Yokobori N, Furuike S (1997)