
  1. 原著論文 Original Articles
    • Ishii, Y.*, Kawamoto, K.*, Shirai, A., Saito, T., Yamazaki, D., Ye, B., Ito, S., Kondo, T., Hirano, T., Chiba, S., Sano, I. (2024) Investigation of introgressive hybridization in endangered Sinohyriopsis mussels (Mollusca: Unionidae) using genome-wide data in Japan. Conservation Genetics. *contribution equally
    • Saito, T., Ito, S., Tanchangya, R.T.S, Shariar, S.M. (2024) Current status of the invasion of Meghimatium bilineatum and M. pictum (Philomycidae: Gastropoda), with the first record of M. pictum from Bangladesh based on molecular data. Archiv für Molluskenkunde. 153(1), 33–60.
    • Chiba, M., Yamazaki, D., Ito, S., Kagawa, O. Chiba, S. (2024) Secondary contact of two cryptic Hokou gecko groups in the Izu Islands, Japan. Mitochondrial DNA Part A. 33(1–8), 53–60.
    • Kagawa, O., Ishii, Y., Fujimoto, K., Kimura, K., Chiba, S., Ito, S. (2024) Community composition and diversity of land snails along an elevation gradient in the World Natural Heritage Site, Yakushima Island. Global Ecology and Conservation. 50, e02746.
    • Ito, S., Chiba, S., Konuma, J. (2023) Overcoming the congenitally disadvantageous mutation through adaptation to environmental UV exposure in land snails. Biology Letters. 20230356.
    • Hirano, T., Yamazaki, D., Ito, S., Sato, M.P., Matsuo, A., Saito, T., Nishi, H., Ye, B., Dong, Z., Do V.T., Hwai, A.T.S., Suyama, Y., Chiba, S. (2023) Reconsidering the spreading process of common land snails in Japan through genome-wide analyses. Biological Invasions. 25(11), 3535–3549.
    • Hirano, T., Tatani, M., Ito, S., Kudo, K., Wada, S. (2023) The introduced land snail Tanychlamys indica preys on live land snails. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 89(2), eyad010.
    • Ito, S., Chiba, S., Konuma, J. (2023) Evolutionary history of inshore oceanic island land snails diversified in shell colour. Journal of Biogeography. 50(6), 1103–1116.
    • Hirano, T.*, Saito, T.*, Ito, S.*, Ye, B., Linscott, T.M., Do, V.T., Dong, Z., Chiba, S. (2023) Phylogenomic analyses reveal incongruences between divergence times and fossil records of freshwater snails in East Asia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 182, 107728. *contribution equally
    • Ito, S., Yamazaki, D., Kameda, Y., Kagawa, O., Ye, B., Kimura, K., Saito, T., Do V.T., Chiba, S., Hirano, T. (2023) Taxonomic insights and evolutionary history in East Asian terrestrial slugs of the genus Meghimatium. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 182, 107730.
    • Chiba, M., Hirano, T., Yamazaki, D., Ye, B., Ito, S., Kagawa, O., Endo, K., Nishida, S., Hara, S., Aratake, K., Chiba, S. (2022) The mutual history of Schlegel’s Japanese gecko (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae) and humans inscribed in genes and ancient literature. PNAS Nexus. 1(5), pgac245.
    • Kudo, K., Kagawa, O., Ito, S., Wada, S., Nishi, H., Shariar, S.M., Yamazaki, D., Hirano, T., Chiba, S. (2022) Species identification and invasion pathways of an introduced snail Macrochlamys sp. in Japan. Bioinvasions records. 11(4), 839–854.
    • Sano, I., Saito, T., Ito, S., Ye, B., Uechi, T., Seo, T., Do, V.T., Kimura, K., Hirano, T., Yamazaki, D., Shirai, A., Kondo, T., Miura, O., Miyazaki, J., Chiba, S. (2022) Resolving species-level diversity of Beringiana and Sinanodonta mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Japanese archipelago using genome-wide data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 175, 107563.
    • Hirano, T., Kagawa, O., Fujimoto, M., Saito, T., Uchida, S., Yamazaki, D., Ito, S., Shariar, S.M., Sawahata, T., Chiba, S. (2022) Species identification of introduced veronicellid slugs in Japan. PeerJ. 10, e13197.
    • Yamazaki, D., Ito, S., Miura, O., Sasaki, T., Chiba, S. (2022) High-throughput SNPs dataset reveal restricted population connectivity of marine gastropod within the narrow distribution range of peripheral oceanic islands. Scientific reports. 12, 2119.
    • Ito, S., Hirano, T., Chiba, S., Konuma, J. (2021) Shell colour diversification induced by ecological release: A shift in natural selection after a migration event. Ecology and evolution. 11(22), 15534–15544.
    • Landry Yuan, F.*, Ito, S.*, Tsang, T.P.M., Kuriyama, T., Yamasaki, K., Bonebrake, T.C., Hasegawa, M. (2021) Predator presence and recent climatic warming raise body temperatures of island lizards. Ecology letters. 24(3), 533–542. *contribution equally
    • Kagawa, O., Uchida, S., Yamazaki, D., Osawa, Y., Ito, S., Chiba, S., The green-costumed snail’s citizen researchers. (2020) Citizen science via social media revealed conditions of symbiosis between a marine gastropod and an epibiotic alga. Scientific reports. 10, 19647.
    • Yamagishi, M., Ito, S., Konuma, J. (2020) Record of an Albino Land Snail Euhadra quaesita. American Malacological Bulletin. 38(1), 60–62.
    • Ito, S., Konuma, J. (2020) Disruptive selection of shell colour in land snails: a mark-recapture study of Euhadra peliomphala simodae. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 129(2), 323–333.
  2. 和文報告 Peer-reviewed reports
    • 石井康人, 三田村敏正, 伊藤 舜, 平野尚浩. (2024) 福島県と宮城県におけるコハクオナジマイマイの記録. ちりぼたん:日本貝類学会研究連絡誌. 54(1–2), 59–61.
    • 工藤広大, 伊藤 舜, 平野尚浩. (2023) 外来種ヒメリンゴマイマイの千葉県千葉市・市原市における初報告. ちりぼたん:日本貝類学会研究連絡誌. 53(1), 77–81.
    • 伊藤 舜, 石井康人, 香川 理. (2022) 屋久島山岳地帯におけるクチジロビロウドマイマイの食性記録の修正. ちりぼたん:日本貝類学会研究連絡誌. 52(2), 188–189.
    • 山崎大志, 伊藤 舜. (2022) 宮城県加美郡加美町におけるトバマイマイおよびナメクジ属の一種(腹足綱:マイマイ目の記録). Molluscan Diversity.
    • 伊藤 舜, 石井康人, 香川 理. (2021) 屋久島山岳地帯におけるクチジロビロウドマイマイの食性記録. ちりぼたん:日本貝類学会研究連絡誌. 52(1), 55–60.
    • 伊藤 舜, 盛口 満, 平野尚浩. (2020) 与論島朷記録のヤマタニシ属(腹足綱:新生腹足亜綱:ヤマタニシ科). ちりぼたん:日本貝類学会研究連絡誌. 50(2), 241–248.
  3. MISC
    • 伊藤 舜. (2024) 進化が繋ぐジオとエコ:伊豆大島を例として. ジオパークと地域資源. 6(1), 28–32.
    • 平田和彦, 中村真介, 藤井利衣子, 加藤雄也, 福井智香子, 伊藤 舜, 太田祐造, 長船祐紀, 立花寛奈, 森口夏季. (2024) 分科会「ジオ・エコ・ヒト –なぜジオパークで生態学?」の成果:「エコ」に関する理解の共有と交流の活発化. ジオパークと地域資源. 6(1), 63–67.
    • 伊藤 舜. (2024) ムラヤママイマイの研究史とこれからの保全. しぶきつぼ. 43, 13–18.
    • 長谷川雅美, 上條隆志, 菊池健, 樋口広芳, 岩崎由美, 森 由香, 徳吉美国, 伊藤 舜, 須藤七海, 水越かのん. (2023) 伊豆諸島八丈小島における希少海鳥類の繁殖地の重要性評価 ―伊豆諸島自然史研究会―. 自然保護助成基金助成成果報告書. 32. 134-142.
    • 伊藤 舜. (2023) 外来ネズミによる御蔵島固有陸産貝類への被食状況. Mikurensis. 12, 23–29.
    • 伊藤 舜, 石井康人. (2022) 陸産貝類の進化史から紐解く下仁田ジオパークの地質活動と生物への影響. 下仁田町自然史館研究報告. 7, 70.
    • 伊藤 舜. (2022) ベルダ地区で行った陸産貝類の分布調査. In: NPO法人エコ.エコ(編). 見沼ベルタ地区(マルコ・トラスト地・五斗蒔)昆虫・クモ・カタツムリ調査報告書. 51–56.
    • 石井康人, 伊藤 舜, 藤本光志, 香川 理. (2021) 屋久島に生息するカタツムリとその保全. 屋久島通信. 78号, 4–5.
    • 伊藤 舜. (2017)「見沼のカタツムリ」を通じて「陸産貝類の世界」をのぞいてみる. NPO法人エコ.エコ 会誌Newsletter. 18.