1. (1996-2023年)の研究成果
* “Observation of transition from inverted coupled-resonator-induced transparency to inverted Autler–Townes splitting”, Daiki Sugioa, Takahiro Manabea, Keigo Nakamuraa, Takahiro Matsumoto and Makoto Tomita, Physical Review A, 107, 013110 (2023).
* “Multiple quantum interrogation to determine the position of an object in a serial array of ring resonators”, Keigo Nakamura, Daiki Sugio, Takahiro Manabe, Akari Kageyama, Takahiro Matsumoto and Makoto Tomita1,Scientific Reports, 13, 8097 (2023).
* “Wavelength dependence of ultraviolet light inactivation for SARS-CoV-2 omicron variants”, Nahoko Fujimoto,Katsuya Nagaokak,Ichiro Tatsuno,Hisashi Oishi,Makoto Tomita,Tadao Hasegawa,Yasuhito,Tanaka & Takahiro Matsumoto, Scientific Reports, 13,9706(2023).
* “Propagation of a peak-truncated Gaussian pulse in an inverted coupled-resonator-induced transparency system”, Daiki Sugio, KotaYoshimura, KeigoNakamuraTakahiroManabe and MakotoTomita”, Opt Communications 520, 128466, (2022).
* “Time-dose reciprocity mechanism for the inactivation of Escherichia coli explained by a stochastic process with two inactivation effects”, Takahiro Matsumoto,Ichiro Tatsuno, Yukiya Yoshida, Makoto Tomita and Tadao Hasegawa, Scientific Reports, 12, 22588 (2022).
* “Quantum Proton Entanglement in Nanocrystalline Silicon Surface”. Takahiro Matsumoto, Hidehiko Sugimoto, Takashi Ohhara, Stephen M. Bennington, Makoto Tomita, and Susumu Ikeda, Physical Review B, 103, 245401 (2021).
* “Net and Reshaping Goos-Hanchen shifts”, Hirozumi Saito,and Makoto Tomita, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 38, 1048-1056 (2021).
* “Mechanism of transient photothermal inactivation of bacteria using a wavelength-tunable nanosecond pulsed laser”, Ichiro Tatsuno, Yuna Niimi, Makoto Tomita, Hiroshi Terashima, Tadao Hasegawa & Takahiro Matsumoto, Scientific Reports 11, 22310 (2021).
* “Developments of pulse peak from peak-truncated Gaussian optical pulses in a serial array of high-Q ring resonators”, Makoto Tomita, Taichi Sudo, Kota Yoshimura and Daiki Sugio, Physical Review A, 102, 043507 (2020).
* “Giant and highly reflective Goos-Hänchen shift in a metal-dielectric multilayer Fano structure”, Hirozumi Saito, Yoichiro Neo, Takahiro Matsumoto and Makoto Tomita, Optics Express 27, 28629-28639(2019).
* “Development of superluminal pulse propagation in a serial array of high-Q ring resonators”, Yuma Morita and Makoto Tomita,Scientific Reports 9, 14280 (2019)
* “Observation of Goos-Hänchen shift in plasmon-induced transparency”, Yusuke Hirai, Kouki Matsunaga, Yoichiro Neo, Takahiro Matsumoto and Makoto Tomita, Applied Physics Letters 112(5):051101 (2018).
*“Tailored plasmon-induced transparency in attenuated total reflection response in a metal–insulator–metal structure”, Kouki Matsunaga, Yusuke Hirai, Yoichiro Neo, Takahiro Matsumoto and Makoto Tomita, Scientific Reports 7, 17824 (2017).
* “Propagation of phase non-analytical points in fast and slow light media”
Yuma Morita and Makoto Tomita, Physical Review A, 96, 023813 (2017).
* “Comb spectra and coherent optical pulse propagation in a size-imbalanced coupled ring resonator”, Ryuta Suzuki and Makoto Tomita, Opt Communications 396, 44-48 (2017).
* “Development of weak coherent 0π optical pulses in a ring resonator with a dynamic recurrent loop”, ,Yukari Suzuki and Makoto Tomita, Journal of Optical Society of America B. 34, in press (2017).
* “Influence of finite bandwidth on the propagation of information in fast- and slow-light media“
Heisuke Amano and Makoto Tomita, Physical Review A 93, 063854 (2016).
*“Attenuated total reflection response to wavelength tuning of plasmon-induced transparency in a metal–insulator–metal structure” Kouki Matsunaga, Takeshi Watanabe, Yoichiro Neo, and Takahiro Matsumoto and Makoto Tomita,
Optics Letters 22, 5274 (2016).
* “Transform from induced transparency to induced absorption through the control of coupling strength in metal-insulator –metal structure” Y. Neo , T. Matsumoto T. Watanabe, M. Tomita, and H. Mimura, Optics Express 24, 26201-26208 (2016)
* “Luminal pulse velocity in a superluminal medium”
Heisuke Amano and Makoto Tomita
Physical Review A 92, 063837 (2015).
*光速cは変化する? 冨田 誠 パリティ 11 (2015)
* “Direct observation of a pulse peak using a peak-removed Gaussianoptical pulse in a superluminal medium”,
Makoto Tomita, Heisuke Amano, Seiji Masegi and Aminul I. Talukder,
Physical Review Letters 112,093903 (2014).
* ”Transition from an optical precursor in coupled-resonator-induced transparency
to coherent energy exchange in Autler-Townes splitting”,
Tohru Oishi, Ryuta Suzuki, Aminul I. Talukder, and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review A 88, 023847, (2013)
* “Inverted coupled-resonator-induced transparency”,
Tohru Oishi, and Makoto Tomita
Physical Review A 88 13813(2013)
* “Propagation of the centroid of Poynting vector in transversely phase
modulated optical beams in spatially dispersive media”,
A.I. Talukder, Tsuyoshi Matsuo, Takahiro Matsumoto and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review A 88, 063842 (2013).
* “Causal propagation of bending nonanalytical points in fast- and slow-light media“
Ryuta Suzuki and Makoto Tomita
Physical Review A,88 ,053822 (2013).
* “Perfect blackbody radiation from a graphene nanostructure with application
to high-temperature spectral emissivity measurements
Takahiro Matsumoto, Tomoaki Koizumi, Yasuyuki Kawakami, Koichi Okamoto, and Makoto Tomita
Optics Express, 21, 30964-30974 (2013).
* “「速い光」、「遅い光」と群速度”、 冨田誠、
*Blue-Shifted Blackbody Radiation From Nano-Structured Multi-Layer Emitter
10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim June 30 ? July 4, Kyoto, (2013).
* “Optical precursors in coupled-resonator-induced transparency”,
Tohru Oishi, Ryuta Suzuki, Parvin Sultana, and Makoto Tomita
Optics Letters,37, 2964-2966 (2012)
* “Necessary conditions for two-lobe patterns in field emission microscopy”
Yoichiro Neo, Takahiro Matsumoto, Makoto Tomita, Masahiro Sasaki, and Hidenori Mimura,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 51 115601(2012).
* “Fourier analysis of slow and fast image propagation through single and coupled image resonators”,
Parvin Sultana, Takahiro Matsumoto, and Makoto Tomita,
International Journal of Optics Article ID 960985 (2012). (9pages)
* “Causal information velocity in fast and slow pulse propagation in an optical ring resonator”
Makoto Tomita, Hiroyuki Uesugi, Parvin Sultana, and Tohru Oishi.
Physical Review A 84, 043843 (2011).
* “Slow optical pulse propagation in an amplifying ring resonator”
M. Tomita, T. Ueta, and P. Sultana.
Journal of Optical Society of AmericaB. 28, 1627 (2011).
* ”Complex-number asymmetry parameters of the optical Fano effect in ring resonators”
Makoto Tomita and Hideo Ebihara,
Optics communications,24, 5513-5516 (2011).
* “Delayed optical images through coupled-resonator-induced transparency”
Parvin Sultana, Akira Takami, Takahiro Matsumoto, and Makoto Tomita
Optics Letters, 35, 3414-3416, (2010).
* “Advanced and delayed images through an image resonator,”
Makoto Tomita, Parvin Sultana, Akira Takami, and Takahiro Matsumoto,
Optics Express 18, 12599-12605 (2010).
* “Modified blackbody radiation spectrum of a selective emitter with application to incandescent light source design,”
Takahiro Matsumoto and Makoto Tomita,
Optics Express 18, A192-A200 (2010).
* “Specifying the Essential Conditions for Cloverleaf patterns in Field Emission Microscopy”
Yoichiro Neo, Takahiro Matsumoto, Makoto Tomita, Masahiro Sasaki, Hidenori Mimura, Toru Aoki and Kuniyoshi Yokoo
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (2010).
*“光のアンダーソン局在の新しい展開” 冨田誠,
光学, 34 424-430.(2010). (総説)
*“Modification of the blackbody radiation using a selective emitter”、Matsumoto, T.,Omori, S. and Tomita,M.
The 12th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Light Sources,
Eindhoven University of Technology, Holland (2010)
*) “Tunable Fano interference effect in coupled-microspheres resonator-induced transparency”
Makoto Tomita, Kouki Totsuka, Ryosuke Hanamura and Takahiro Matsumoto
Journal of Optical Society of America , B 26 (2009) 813-818. (2009).
* “Observation of normal and anomalous dispersions in a microsphere taper fiber system”
Makoto Tomita, Masayuki Okishio,Takahiro Matsumoto, and Kouki Totsuka
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 78, 035001-1 035001-2(2009).
*“結合微小球共振器にあらわれる遅い光と速い光” 冨田誠,
レーザー研究, 37 585-590.(2009). (解説)
*“不透明物質をくぐり抜ける光” Johanna Miller, 冨田誠、2, 18-20
パリティ (2009).
*平成20年 高柳記念賞受賞
* “Determining the physisorption energies of molecules on graphene nanostructures by measuring the stochastic emission-current fluctuation”, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yoichiro Neo, Hidenori Mimura, and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review E E 77, 031611 (2008).
* “Depth profiling the whispering gallery modes in TiO2:Eu3+ microspheres using cathode Luminescence” Makoto Tomita, Hiroshi Ikari, Hidenori Mimura and Takahiro Matsumoto,
Optics Letters, 33, 336-338, (2008).
* “Fluorescence MDR features of Eu-doped TiO2 microspheres”,
H.Ikari, K.Okanishi, M.Tomita and T.Ishidate,
Optical Materials 30 1323?1326 (2008).
*“Optical microsphere amplification system”,
Kouki Totsuka and Makoto Tomita ,
Optics Letters 32, 3107-3199 (2008).
“Observation of Slow Light in Coupled-Resonator-Induced Transparency”Kouki Totsuka and Makoto Tomita San Jose, California USA QThJ4 2009,” Kouki Totsuka and Makoto Tomita
Quantum electronics and laser science conference QELS San Jose, California QThJ4 (2008)
* “Slow light in coupled-resonator induced transparency”
Kouki Totsuka, Norihiko Kobayashi and Makoto Tomita
Physical Review Letters 98, 213904 (2007).
*“Dynamic pulse splitting in microsphere-optical fiber system on the critical coupling condition”,
Kouki Totsuka and Makoto Tomita ,
Physical Review E 75, 016610 (2007) .
*“Stabilization of electron emission from nanoneedles with two dimensional graphene sheet
structure in a high residual pressure region”,
Takahiro Matsumoto, Yoichiro Neo, Hidenori Mimura, Makoto Tomita, and Nariyuki Minami
Applied. Physics. Letters 90, 103516 (2007)
* “Propagation of the centroid of arbitrary pulses through angularly dispersive systems”
Aminul Talukder, Shugo Kawakita, Makoto Tomita
Journal of Optical Society of America B 1406, 24 (2007)
*“Observation of slow and fast light in microsphere-optical fiber system”
Kouki Totsuka and Makoto Tomita
Quantum electronics and laser science conference QELS Baltimore USA JWB86(2007)
*“Form factor in persistent hole burning in multiple scattering optical media”,
Makoto Tomita and Shuho Tatsuno,
Physical Review E 73, 066622 (2006) .
*“Observation of fast light in Mie scattering processes”,
Kouki Totsuka and Makoto Tomita ,
Physical Review E 73, 045602 (2006)
*“Propagation of arbitrarily shaped femtosecond laser pulses through a photonic crystal fiber”,
Aminul Talukder Kouki Totsuka , Makoto Tomita ,
Applied. Physics. Letters. 89, 054103 (2006).
*“Observation of whispering gallery modes in cathode luminescence in TiO2:Eu3+ micro-spheres”,
Makoto Tomita,Kouki Totsuka , Hiroshi Ikari , Kenji Ohara , Hidenori Mimura , Hideyuki Watanabe , Hiroshi Kume , Takahiro Matsumoto,
Applied. Physics. Letters. 89, 061126 (2006). (2006)
*“Slow and fast light in microsphere-optical fiber system”, Kouki Totsuka and Makoto Tomita,
Journal of Optical Society of America B, 23, pp. 2194-2199 (October 2006) (2006)
*“Observation of negative pulse delay in a microsphere”
Kouki Totsuka and Makoto Tomita
Quantum electronics and laser science conference QELS California USA JWB86(2006)
*Observation of fast light in a microsphere WD7
Kouki Totsuka and Makoto Tomita
Photonic mat materials; From random to periodic Bahama (2006)
* “Measurements of Net group and reshaping delays for optical pulse in dispersive media c
Md Aminul Talukder, Takatoshi Haruta and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review Letters 94, 223901 (2005) .
* “Asymmetric optical pulse propagation through a resonant absorber”
Md Aminul Talukder, and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review A 72, 051802 (2005).
* “Coherence coupling effect in a space and time resolved nonlinear correlation measurement in a multiple scattering medium”
Makoto Tomita,
Journal of Optical Society of America B22, 3, p. 537-546 (2005)
*“Propagation of Incoherent and Chirped Optical Pulses in Dispersive Medi”
Md A. Talukder, T. Haruta and M. Tomita,
Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXI JWA71 meeting in Tucson, Arizona. USA
* “Net and Reshaping Delays in Optical Pulse Propagation”
Makoto Tomita,
International Symposium Nanovision Science Workshop Vol.137-41 (2005)
* “Persistent hole burning in multiple scattering media”
Shuho Tatsuno, Noriko Tsumagari, and Makoto Tomita,
International Symposium Nanovision Science Workshop Vol.159-60 (2005)
* “Propagation Velocity of Optical Pulses in Dispersive Media”
Aminul I. Talukder, Takatoshi Haruta, and Makoto Tomita
IQEC Internatinal conference on Quantum Electronics QTuL1-6 (2005).
* “Propagation of light in nano-structured composite dielectric media”
Makoto Tomita
International Symposium Nanovision Science Workshop Vol.2 (2005)
* “Propagation Velocity of Arbitrary Optical Pulses in Dispersive Media”
Aminul I. Talukder, Takatoshi Haruta, Masudul Kabir and Makoto Tomita
International Symposium Nanovision Science Workshop Vol.2 (2005)
* “Efficient light coupling for micro sphere by tapered fiber”
Kouki Totsuka, and Makoto Tomita
International Symposium Nanovision Science Workshop Vol.2 (2005)
*「ランダムレーザー」 (日本光学会誌)冨田誠
* “Time development of a persistent hole burning in multiple scattering media ”
Makoto Tomita, Kentarou Ono and Shuho Tatsuno,
Physical Review E 70 4660601-4660610 (2004)
* “Speckle correlation measurement in a disordered medium observed through second –harmonic generation”
Tetsu Ito and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review E69 366101-366107 (8pages) (2004)
* “Analysis of gain volume in random laser in a spherical multiple scattering medium”
Tetsu Ito and Makoto Tomita,,
Optical Review 11 p.7-11(5pages) (2004).
* “Net Group Delay in the Propagation of Coherent and Incoherent Optical Pulses in a Dispersive Medium”
Md A. Talukder, T. Haruta and M. Tomita,
Joint International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology Vol8, 72-75 (2004).
* “Polarization dependent laser action in a two-dimensional random medium ”
Tetsu Ito and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review E 86, 027601-027604 (2002).
* “Reshaping delay in chirped pulse propagation”
Toru Ito and Makoto Tomita,
FST2002 ; International workshop on femtosecond technology p200. (2002).
* “Superluminal to subluminal transition in the pulse propagation in a resonanyly absorbing medium ”
Md Aminul Talukder, Yoshimitsu Amagishi and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review Letters 86, 3546-3549 (2001).
* “Measurement of the gain volume in amplifying and scattering medium by a two-beam spatial-correlation method”
Tetsu Ito and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review E 63, 36608-1-4 (2001).
* “Persistent hole burning in multiple scattering optical media”
Makoto Tomita, Tetsu Ito and Satoshi Hattori,
Physical Review B in press (2001).
* “Excitation pulse energy dependence of the gain volume in amplifying and scattering medium”
Tetsu Ito and Makoto Tomita,
Journal of Physical Society of Japan vol.9 in press (2001).
* “Superluminal pulse propagation and group velocity in anomalous dispersion region of an absorbing medium”
Md Aminul Talukder , Tetsu Ito, Yoshimitsu Amagishi and Makoto Tomita,
CLEO2001 ; Conference on laser and electro-optics Pacific Rim 2001,
Technical Digest Vol II p134-135.
* “Two beam spatial correlation method in amplifying scattering medium”
Tetsu Ito, Md Aminul Talukder and Makoto Tomita,
CLEO2001 ; Conference on laser and electro-optics Pacific Rim 2001,
Technical Digest Vol II p136-137.
* “Femtosecond Pulse Propagation and group velocity”
Makoto Tomita
FST2001 ; International workshop on femtosecond technology p187.
* 「光よりも速く伝わるもの、伝わらないもの」
パリティ vol16,No7 (2001).
* 「光よりも速く伝わるもの」
冨田誠 (2001年 物性夏の学校テキスト)
物性研究 (2001).
*IKEDA award (Best papaer award)
Joint internatinal conference on advanced science and technology 2000.
* “Amplification and Diffusion of Spontaneous Emission in Strongly Scattering Medium”
Kohoki Totsuka, Gijs van Soest, Tetsu Ito, Ad Lagendijk, and Makoto Tomita,
Journal of Applied Physics 87, 7623-7628, (2000) .
*“Optical Pulse Propagation through Thin and Thick Absorbing Medium”
Md Aminul Talukder and Makoto Tomita,
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 69 3766-3767, (2000)
* “A New Definition of Group Velocity of Optical Pulses in Resonantly Absorbing Medium ”
Md Aminul Talukder, Yoshimitsu Amagishi, Tetsu Ito and Makoto Tomita,
JICAST2000; Joint internatinal conference on advanced science and technology 2000 p506-509.
* “Stimulated emission Cross Section and Gain Volume in Amplifing Scattering Medium”
Tetsu Ito, Md Aminul Talukder and Makoto Tomita,
JICAST2000; Joint internatinal conference on advanced science and technology 2000 p506-509.
* “Femtosecond Pulse Propagation through Absorbing Medium”
Md Aminul Talukder and Makoto Tomita,
FST2000;International workshop on femtosecond technology 2000.
* “Chorernt backsacttering in disoerded optical media in the presence of absorption aturation”
Kohoki Totsuka and Makoto Tomita ,
Physical Review B59, 11139-11142 (1999) .
* “Excitation power dependent spectral shifts in photoluminescence in dyes in strongly scattering optical media ”
Kohoki Totsuka, M. A.I. Talukder and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review B59 50-53 (1999).
* “Amplifing volume in scattering medium”
Gijs van Soest, Makoto Tomita and Ad Lagendijk,
Optics Letters 24,306-308, (1999).
* “Nonlinear reflactivity in strongly scattering media”
Kohoki Totsuka, M. A.I. Talukder and Makoto Tomita ,
Journal of Physical Society of Japan (1999) vol 68 307-308.
<1998 年>
* “Influence of the trajectory distribution function on the temporal and spectral correlations in disordered media ”
Kenshi Shimano and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review B 59 5160-5162 (1998).
* “Temporal and spectral correlations in fluctuations of light transmitted through static disordered optical media ”
Makoto Tomita and Kenshi Shimano,
Journal of Physical Society of Japan vol 67 41-48 (1998) .
* “Single Photon Interefernce Experiments with Fast Chopper”
Kayoko Awaya、Takayuki Ishigame and Makoto Tomita,
(素粒子論研究 12月号 1998).
<1997 年>
* “Stochastic and deterministic absorption in single photon interference experiments”
Kayoko Awaya and Makoto Tomita,
Physical Review A 56,4106-4110, (1997).
*“Size effect in Multiple-Scattering Amplifing Media”
Gijs van Soest, Makoto Tomita and Ad Lagendijk ,
Proceedings of the22th conference on Atomic and Quanttum Electronics (1977).
<1996 年>
*“Uncertainty Relation in Fluctuations in the Space and Time Domains in Disordered Optical Media”
Makoto Tomita, Kenji Shimano and Kazunari Nakata,
Physical Review B 54,3687-3689, (1996).
*“Enhancement of Memory Effect in Absorbing Disordered Optical Media”
Makoto Tomita and Tsuyoshi Onimaru,
Journal of Physical Society of Japan vol65 3637-3677, (1996).
* “Resonance Energy Transfer and Laser Action in Strongly Scattering Optical Media”
Makoto Tomita and Khoki Totsuka,
Journal of Crystal Growth,33, 351-354, (1996).
* “Effect of Dipole-dipole Interaction and the Scattering Geometry on Laser
Actions in Strongly Scattering Optical Media”
Khoki Totsuka and Makoto Tomita,
IQEC1996; Proceedings of the 20th Internatinal conference on quantum electronics (1996).