Call for paper

Conference Language – English

Talks (incl. discussion)

Plenary talk – 40 minutes Invited talk – 30 minutes Contributed talk – 15 minutes

One oral presentation will be accepted.


Size – max. 841 x 1189 mm (format A0), vertical orientation

Up to 3 poster presentation will be accepted.

Authors instructions (download here)

Abstract template (download here)

All participants who have presented a talk or poster at the conference are kindly invited to publish their work by submitting it as a paper to a special issue in the Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (Springer Nature), which is a well-established journal with a long track record in excellence and an Impact Factor of 2.8 (2022). Read more here.

Students Award

All student contributions will be automatically included in contest for Student Award. The best student presentations will be awarded by valuable prices. Students not wishing to participate are kindly asked to inform the Organising committee by registration upon arrival.