Michibayashi’s Bibliography (** ICI, *査読有)
1988 (23) 平成2年
- 道林克禎・増田俊明,1988.マイロナイト:中央構造線付近に見られる変形した岩石.静岡地学,no. 58,i-iii.
1990 (25) 平成3年
- 増田俊明・山本啓司・道林克禎・伴 雅子,1990.静岡県北西部水窪地域での中央構造線の位置の再検討.静岡大学地球科学研究報告,no. 16,49-66.
1991 (26) 平成4年
- **Michibayashi, K., Jaireth, S. 1991. Sulphur-isotope and elemental geochemistry studies of the Hemlo gold mineralization, Ontario: sources of sulphur and implications for the mineralization process: Discussion. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 28, 2069.
1992 (27) 平成5年
- 増田俊明・道林克禎・太田洋文, 1992.中央構造線付近のマイロナイトのnon-coaxialityの推定,地球, 14, 199-203.
1993 (28) 平成6年
- **Michibayashi, K. 1993. Syntectonic development of a strain independent dynamically recrystallized quartz grain during mylonitization. Tectonophysics, 222, 151-164.
- **Michibayashi, K., Masuda, T. 1993. Shearing in granitoids during progressive retrogression: abrupt grain size reduction of quartz at the plastic-brittle transition of feldspar. Journal of Structural Geology, 15, 1421-1434.
1994 (29) 平成7年
- 道林克禎, 1994.超微細粒子と延性剪断帯の発生,地球, 16, 733-738.
1995 (30) 平成8年
- **Masuda, T., Michibayashi, K., Ohta, H. 1995. Shape preferred orientation of rigid particles in a viscous matrix: re-evaluation to determine kinematic parameters of ductile deformation. Journal of Structural Geology, 17, 115-129.
- **Woolfe, K. J., Michibayashi, K. 1995. “BASIC” entropy grouping of laser-derived grain-size data: an example from the Great Barrier Reef. Computer & Geosciences, 21, 447-462.
- **Nakashima, S., Matayoshi, H., Yuko, T., Michibayashi, K., Masuda, T., Kuroki, N., Yamagishi, H., Ito, Y., Nakamura, A. 1995. Infrared microspectroscopy analysis of water distribution in deformed and metamorphosed rocks. Tectonophysics, 245, 263-276.
- **Michibayashi, K. 1995. Two phase syntectonic gold mineralization and barite remobilization within the main ore body of the Golden Giant mine, Hemlo, Ontario, Canada. Ore Geology Review, 10, 31-50.
1996 (31)平成9年
- **Michibayashi, K. 1996. The role of intragranular fracturing on grain size reduction in feldspar during mylonitization. Journal of Structural Geology, 18, 17-25.
- *Michibayashi, K. 1996. Intergranular tensile microfractures within a mylonitized Ryoke granite: evidence for post-mylonitic deformation at the ductile-to-brittle transition. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 102, 190-198.
- 道林克禎,1996.ホウジ峠の中央構造線.静岡地学,no. 73, i-iii.
1997 (32) 平成10年
- *Michibayashi, K., Makino, T., Yoshida, S. 1997. “Xenolith windows”: intensely deformed mylonites entrained in the Tenryukyo granite, the Ryoke belt, central Honshu, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 103, 1053-1064.
- 牧野剛士・道林克禎, 1997. 中部地方中央構造線沿いに露出するマイロナイトの全岩主成分元素組成. 静岡大学地球科学研究報告, no. 24, 1-13.
1998 (33) 平成11年
- *戸上昭司・高野雅夫・道林克禎・村上雅美・熊沢峰夫, 1998. 走査型X線分析顕微鏡画像の解析による鉱物分布画像の作成. 鉱物学雑誌, 27, 203-212.
1999 (34) 平成12年
- **Michibayashi, K., Togami, S., Takano, M., Kumazawa, M., Kageyama, T. 1999. Application of the scanning X-ray analytical microscope to the ductile shear zone: an alternative method to image microstructures. Tectonophysics , 310, 55-67.
- *道林克禎・室岡佳織・安井郁子, 1999. 静岡県水窪町で掘削されたマイロナイト柱状コアの変形構造解析:中央構造線沿いの領家帯の地下構造と岩相境界への塑性剪断歪の局所化. 地質学雑誌,105, 200-207.
2000 (35) 平成13年
- *Nicolas, A., Boudier, F., Michibayashi, K., Gerbert-Gaillard, L., 2000. Aswad massif (United Arab Emirates): Archetype of the Oman-UAE ophiolite belt. In: Nicolas, A., Elthon, D., Moores, E. & Dilek, Y. (editors), Ophiolites and Oceanic Crust: New Insights from Field Studies and the Ocean Drilling Program, Geological Society of America Special Papers 349, pp. 499-512.
- **Togami, S., Takano, M., Kumazawa, M., Michibayashi, K., 2000. An algorithm for the transformation of XRF images into mineral-distribution maps. Canadian Mineralogist, 38, 1283-1294.
- **Michibayashi, K., Gerbert-Gaillard, L., Nicolas, A., 2000. Shear sense inversion in the Hilti mantle section (Oman ophiolite) and active mantle uprise. Marine Geophysical Researches, 21, 259-268.
- 道林克禎,2000. SEM-EBSPシステムによるカンラン岩の結晶方位解析.構造地質,no. 44, 63-66.
2002 (37) 平成14年
- 道林克禎・戸上昭司・足立佳子・内山尚和,2002. 走査型X線分析顕微鏡画像の解析による層状斑れい岩の鉱物分布マップの作成.静岡大学地球科学研究報告, no. 29, 103-112.
2003 (38) 平成15年
- *道林克禎・東條文治・斎藤 良・川上紳一・可児智美・大野照文・能田 成,2003.ナミビア北部に分布する原生代後期オタビ層群の氷河堆積物直上の炭酸塩岩に見られる特異な構造.地質学雑誌, 109, XV-XVI.
- Michibayashi, K., Mainprice, D., 2003. Understanding the deformation of rocks from the earth’s mantle using simultaneous EBSD and EDS. HKL Technology Application Catalogue 2003.
- 道林克禎,2003.表紙写真:オマーンオフィオライトにおけるマントル-地殻遷移帯の遠景(南部アンダム地域),地学雑誌,112, no. 5.
- 道林克禎・大友幸子,2003.浦川周辺の中央構造線沿いに分布するマイロナイト.日本地質学会第110会学術大会(2003 静岡)見学旅行案内書,11-19.
2004 (39) 平成16年
- **Arai, S., Takada, S., Michibayashi, K., Kida, M., 2004. Petrology of peridotite xenoliths from Iraya volcano, Philippines, and implications for mantle wedge processes beneath arcs. Journal of Petrology, 45, 369-389.
- **Michibayashi, K., Mainprice, D., 2004. The role of pre-existing mechanical anisotropy on shear zone development within oceanic mantle lithosphere: an example from the Oman ophiolite. Journal of Petrology, 45, 405-414.
- 道林克禎・平田恵梨佳・望月身和子・川上紳一,2004.原生代後期ガーブ氷河堆積物の変形構造とスノーボールアース仮説.地球, no. 26, 131-137.
- 東條文治・齋藤 良・道林克禎・川上紳一・大野照文,2004.原生代の氷河堆積物を覆うキャップカーボネートにみられる垂直構造.地球, no. 26, 145-151.
- *Michibayashi, K., Okamoto, A., Kawakami, T., Ikeda, T., Masuzawa, T., Yasuda, H., 2004. Orientation contrast images of garnet from granulite quartzite, Lutzow-Holm Complex, East Antarctia. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 110, V-VI.
2005 (40) 平成17年
- **Lin, A., Maruyama, T., Aaron, S., Michibayashi, K., Camacho, A., Kano, K., 2005. Propagation of seismic slip from brittle to ductile crust: Evidence from pseudotachylyte of the Woodroffe thrust, central Australia. Tectonophysics, 402, 21-35.
- **Okamoto, A., Michibayashi, K., 2005. Progressive shape evolution of a mineral inclusion under differential stress at high temperature: example of garnet inclusions within a granulite facies from the Lutow-Holm complex, East Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B11203, doi:10.1029/2004JB003526.
- *Masago, H., Okamoto, K., Chan, Y., Yui, T., Chu, H., Iizuka, Y., Michibayashi, K., Harigane, Y., 2005. Fluid accumulation beneath the detachment fault in the Central Range of Taiwan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 111, III-IV.
- Blackman, D.K., Ildefonse, B., John, B.E., Ohara, Y., Miller, D.J., MacLeod, C.J., the Expedition 304/305 Scientists, 2005. Oceanic Core Complex Formation, Atlantis Massif. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 304/305 Expedition Reports, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc., for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program.
- IODP Expedition 305 Scientific Party, 2005. Oceanic core complex formation, Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: drilling into the footwall and hanging wall of a tectonic exposure of deep, young oceanic lithosphere to study deformation, alteration, and melt generation. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 305 Preliminary Report, 78p.
2006 (41) 平成18年
- **Okamoto, A., Michibayashi, K., 2006. Misorientations of garnet aggregate within a vein: Implications for timescale of vein formation during metamorphism. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 24, 353-366. doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2006.00642.x
- **Michibayashi, K., Ina, T., Kanagawa, K., 2006. The effect of dynamic recrystallization on olivine fabric and seismic anisotropy: Insights from a ductile shear zone in the Oman ophiolite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 244, 695-708.
- **Michibayashi, K., Abe, N., Okamoto, A., Satsukawa, T., Michikura, K., 2006. Seismic anisotropy in the uppermost mantle, back-arc region of the northeast Japan arc: petrophysical analyses of Ichinomegata peridotite xenoliths. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L10312, doi:10.1029/2006GL025812.
- *道林克禎,2006.中央構造線沿い錦橋露頭の鹿塩マイロナイト,日本地方地質誌4「中部地方」(日本地質学会編),朝倉書店,東京,434-435.
- 道林克禎,2006.かんらん岩の構造解析と地球内部のレオロジー.日本レオロジー学会誌, 34, 291-300.
- 清水以知子・道林克禎・渡辺悠太・増田俊明・熊澤峰夫,2006.固体圧変形試験機MK65Sの設計と性能:内部摩擦の評価.構造地質,no. 49, 15-26.
- Benoit Ildefonse, Donna Blackman, Barbara E. John, Yasuhiko Ohara, D. Jay Miller, Christopher J. MacLeod, the IODP Expeditions 304-305 Scientists, 2006. IODP Expeditions 304 & 305 Characterize the Lithology, Structure, and Alteration of an Oceanic Core Complex. Scientific Drilling, No. 3, doi:10.2204/iodp.sd.3.01.2006.
2007 (42) 平成19年
- **Ildefonse, B., Blackman, D. K., John, B.E., Ohara, Y., Miller, D. J., MacLeod, C. J., IODP Expeditions 304/305 Science Party (Michibayashi included), 2007. Oceanic Core Complexes and crustal accretion at slow-spreading ridges. Geology, 35, 623-626.
- **Michibayashi, K., Murakami, M., 2007. Development of a shear band cleavage as a result of strain partitioning. Journal of Structural Geology, 29, 1070-1082, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2007.02.003.
- **Michibayashi, K., Tasaka, M., Ohara, Y., Ishii, T., Okamoto, A., Fryer, P., 2007. Variable microstructure of peridotite samples from the southern Mariana Trench: evidence of a complex tectonic evolution. Tectonophysics, 444, 111-118.
- 道林克禎・田阪美樹・小原泰彦・石井輝秋,2007.南部マリアナ海溝かんらん岩の微細構造解析とその意義.地球,no. 29, 628-634.
2008 (43) 平成20年
- **Tasaka, M., Michibayashi, K., Mainprice, D., 2008. B-type olivine fabrics developed in the fore-arc side of the mantle wedge along a subducting slab. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 272, 747-757.
- **Harigane, Y., Michibayashi, K., Ohara, Y., 2008. Shearing within lower crust during progressive retrogression: structural analyses of gabbroic rocks from the Godzilla Mullion, an oceanic core complex in the Parece Vela backarc basin. Tectonophysics, 457, 183-196.
- **Xiao, Z., Okada, M., Ichimiya, M., Michibayashi, K., Itoh, T., Neo, Y., Aoki, T., Mimura, H., 2008. Undoped ZnO phosphor with high luminescence efficiency grown by thermal oxidation. Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 073512.
- **Michibayashi, K., Hirose, T., Nozaka, T., Harigane, Y., Escartin, J., Delius, H., Linek, M., Ohara, Y., 2008. Hydration due to high-T brittle failure within in situ oceanic crust, 30°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 275, 348-354, 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.08.033.
- *道林克禎,2008.かんらん岩の構造敏感性と弾性的異方性.地学雑誌,117, 93-109.
- 井元 恒・道林克禎・大内智博・中村美千彦,2008.ゾル・ゲル法による石英結晶試料の合成.静岡大学地球科学研究報告, no. 35, 45-54.
- 道林克禎,2008.マントルの構造敏感性,地震波特性,そして物質移動.地球,no.30, 3-9.
- 佐津川貴子・道林克禎,2008. マントルウェッジ背弧側由来かんらん岩の微細構造と地震波異方性.地球,no.30, 63-70.
- 田阪美樹・道林克禎,2008. マントルウェッジ前弧側由来かんらん岩の微細構造と地震波異方性.地球,no.30, 71-77.
2009 (44) 平成21年
- **Michibayashi, K., Ohara, Y., Stern, R.J., Fryer, P., Kimura, J.-I., Tasaka, M., Harigane, Y., Ishii, T., 2009. Peridotites from a ductile shear zone within backarc lithospheric mantle, southern Mariana Trench: results of a Shinkai6500 dive. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 10, Q05X06, doi:10.1029/2008GC002197.
- **Michibayashi, K., Oohara, Y., Satsukawa, T., Ishimaru, S., Arai, S., Okrugin, V. M., 2009. Rock seismic anisotropy of the low velocity zone beneath the volcanic front in the mantle wedge. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L12305, doi:10.1029/2009GL038527.
- **Katayama, I., Hirauchi, K. Michibayashi, K., Ando, J., 2009. Trench-parallel anisotropy produced by serpentine deformation in the hydrated mantle wedge. Nature, 461, 1114-1117, doi:10.1038/nature08513.
- **Kono, Y., Ishikawa, M., Harigane, Y., Michibayashi, K., Arima, M., 2009. P- and S-wave velocities of lowermost crustal rocks from the Kohistan arc: Implications for seismic Moho discontinuity attributed to abundant garnet. Tectonophysics, 467, 44–54.
- *佐津川貴子・道林克禎,2009.結晶方位配列と亜結晶粒回転軸によるかんらん石すべり系の推定〜秋田県男鹿半島一の目潟火山かんらん岩捕獲岩を例として〜.地質学雑誌,115, 288-291.
2010 (45) 平成22年
- **Ohuchi, T., Nakamura, M., Michibayashi, K., 2010. Effect of grain growth on cation exchange between dunite and fluid: implications for chemical homogenization in the upper mantle. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 160, 339-357, doi:10.1007/s00410-00900481-7.
- **Kamei, A., Obata, M., Michibayashi, K., Hirajima, T., Svojtka, M., 2010. Two contrasting fabric patterns of olivine observed in garnet- and spinel-peridotite from a mantle-derived ultramafic mass enclosed in felsic granulite, the Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic. Journal of Petrology, 51, 101-123, doi:10.1093/petrology/egp092.
- **Mizouchi, J., Satish-Kumar, M., Motoyoshi, Y., Michibayashi, K., 2010. Exsolution of dolomite and application of calcite-dolomite solvus geothermometry in high-grade marbles: An example from Skallevikshalsen, East Antarctica. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 28, 509-526.
- **Okudaira, T., Ogawa, D., Michibayashi, K., 2010. Grain-size-sensitive deformation of upper greenschist- to lower amphibolite-facies metacherts, Tectonophysics, 491, 141-149, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2010.06.002.
- **Harigane, Y., Michibayashi, K., Ohara, Y., 2010. Amphibolitization within the lower crust in the termination area of the Godzilla Megamullion, an oceanic core complex in the Parece Vela Basin, Island Arc, 19, 718-730. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1738.2010.00741.x
- **Hirauchi, K., Michibayashi, K., Ueda, H., Katayama, I., 2010. Spatial variations in antigorite fabric across a serpentine subduction channel: Insight from the Ohmachi Seamount, Izu-Bonin frontal arc. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 299, 196-206, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.08.035.
- **Satsukawa, T., Michibayashi, K., Raye, U., Anthony, E. Y., Pulliam, J., Stern, R. J., 2010. Uppermost mantle anisotropy beneath the southern Laurentian margin: Evidence from Knippa peridotite xenoliths, Texas. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L20312, 5pp., doi:10.1029/2010GL044538.
- 道林克禎,2010.中央構造線.しずおか自然史(池谷仙之監修 NPO静岡県自然史博物館ネットワーク編),静岡新聞社,14-15.
- 道林克禎,2010.天竜川流域.新版静岡県地学のガイド 静岡県の地質とそのおいたち(土隆一編著),コロナ社,東京,145-162
- 井元 恒・道林克禎,2010.1GPa,800°Cにおけるメノウ中の石英多結晶体の結晶成長実験.静岡大学地球科学研究報告,no. 37,13-19.
- 植田直彦・道林克禎,2010.1GPa,800°Cにおけるフリント中の石英多結晶体の結晶成長実験.静岡大学地球科学研究報告,no. 37,21-26.
- 新海優里・渡辺了・道林克禎・針金由美子・小原泰彦,2010.深海底から採取した蛇紋岩の弾性波速度測定:予察.静岡大学地球科学研究報告,no. 37,27-34.
- 道林克禎・鈴木慎人,2010.夜久野オフィオライト待ちの山超マフィック岩体の微細構造発達と蛇紋岩化プロセス.地球,no. 32, 184-188.
- 針金由美子・道林克禎・小原泰彦,2010.ゴジラムリオンの構造発達〜かんらん岩の変形微細構造と蛇紋岩化作用〜.地球,no. 32, 196-200.
2011 (46) 平成23年
- **Muramoto, M., Michibayashi, K., Ando, J., Kagi, H., 2011. Rheological contrast between garnet and clinopyroxene in the mantle wedge: an example from Higashi-akaishi peridotite mass, SW Japan. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 84, 14-33. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2010.10.008
- **Harigane, Y., Mizukami, T., Morishita, T., Michibayashi, K., Abe, N., Hirano, N., 2011. Direct evidence for upper mantle structure within the NW Pacific Plate: microstructural analyses of a petit-spot peridotite xenolith. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 302, 194-202. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.12.011
- **Harigane, Y., Michibayashi, K., Ohara, Y., 2011a. Relicts of deformed lithospheric mantle within serpentinites and weathered peridotites from the Godzilla Megamullion, Parece Vela Back-Arc Basin, Philippine Sea. Island Arc, 20, 174-187. Doi:10.1111/j.1440-1738.2011.00759.x
- **Harigane, Y., Michibayashi, K., Ohara, Y., 2011b. Deformation and hydrothermal metamorphism of gabbroic rocks within the Godzilla Megamullion, Parece Vela Basin, Philippine Sea. Lithos, 124, 185-199. Doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2011.02.001
- **Katayama, I., Michibayashi, K., Terao, R., Ando, J., Komiya, T., 2011. Water content of the mantle xenoliths from Kimberley and implications for explaining textural variations in cratonic roots. Geological Journal, 46, 173-182. doi: 10.1002/gj.
- **Blackman, D. K., Ildefonse, B., John, B. E., Ohara, Y., Miller, D. J., Abe, N., Abratis, M., Andal, E. S., Andreani, M., Awaji, S., Beard, J. S.,, Brunelli, D., Charney, A. B., Christie, D. M., Collins, J., Delacour, A. G., Delius, H., Drouin, M., Einaudi, F., Escartin, J., Frost, B. R., Fruh-Green, G., Fryer, P. B., Gee, J. S., Godard, M., Grimes, C. B., Halfpenny, A., Hansen, H. -E., Harris, A. C., Tamura, A., Hayman, N. W., Hellebrand, E., Hirose, T., Hirth, J. G., Ishimaru, S., Johnson, K. T. M., Karner, G. D., Linek, M., MacLeod, C. J., Maeda, J., Mason, O. U., McCaig, A. M., Michibayashi, K., Morris, A., Nakagawa, T., Nozaka, T., Rosner, M., Searle, R. C., Suhr, G., Tominaga, M., von der Handt, A., Yamasaki, T., Zhao, Z., 2011, Drilling constraints on lithospheric accretion and evolution at Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, B07103, doi:10.1029/2010JB007931.
- **Nishii, A., Wallis, S. R., Mizukami, T., Michibayashi, K., 2011. Subduction related antigorite CPO patterns from forearc mantle in the Sanbagawa belt, southwest Japan. Journal of Structural Geology, 33, 1436-1445.
- **Satsukawa, T., Michibayashi, K., Anthony, E. Y., Stern, R. J., Gao, S. S., Liu, K. H., 2011. Seismic anisotropy of the uppermost mantle beneath the Rio Grande rift: Evidence from Kilbourne Hole peridotite xenoliths, New Mexico. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 311, 172-181.
- *Watanabe, T., Shirasugi, Y., Yano, H., Michibayashi, K., 2011. Seismic velocity in antigorite-bearing serpentinite mylonites. The Geological Society, Deformation Mechanism, Rheology & Tectonics: Microstructures, Mechanics & Anisotropy, 360, 97-112.
- 小森直昭・道林克禎,2011.夜久野オフィオライト待ちの山超マフィック岩体南部断層境界に発達したブロックインマトリックス構造.静岡大学地球科学研究報告,no. 38,21-26.
2012 (47) 平成24年
- **Michibayashi, K., Kusafuka, Y., Satsukawa, T., S. Nasir, 2012. Seismic properties of peridotite xenoliths as a clue to imaging the lithospheric mantle beneath NE Tasmania, Australia. Tectonophysics, 522-523, 218-223.
- **Michibayashi, K., Imoto, H., 2012. Grain growth kinetics and the effect of crystallographic anisotropy on normal grain growth of quartz. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 39, 213-218.
- **Ohara, Y., Reagan, M., Fujikura, K., Watanabe, H., Michibayashi, K., Ishii, T., Stern, R. J., Pujana, I., Martinez, F., Girard, G., Ribeiro, J., Brounce, M., Komori, N., Kino, M., 2012. A serpentine-hosted ecosystem in the Southern Mariana Forearc. Proceeding of the National Academy of Science, 109, 2831-2835.
- **Fukuda, J., Okudaira, T., Satsukawa, T., Michibayashi, K., 2012. Solution-precipitation of K-feldspar in deformed granitoids and its relationship to the distribution of water. Tectonophysics, 532-535, 175-185.
- *道林克禎・森下知晃・村山雅史・西弘嗣・尾鼻浩一郎・鈴木庸平・高澤栄一・山田泰広・横山祐典,2012.スコットランド南東部シッカー岬とハットンの不整合.地質学雑誌,118 , IX-X.
- *道林克禎,2012.かんらん石ファブリック:上部マントルを探る手がかり.岩石鉱物科学,41, 267-274.
- Ninomiya, A., Hidaki, M., Ohara, Y., Michibayashi, K., Kodani, S., 2012. 1,6-dihydrophenazine producing actinomycete Nocardiopsis sp. DS14-1 isolated from the deep sea sediment. Natural Products: An Indian Journal, 8, 50-52.
- Michibayashi, K., 2012. MOHOLE TO THE MANTLE (M2M) An Ultradeep Drilling Project to the Mantle Led by Japanese Scientists. Elements, 8, p.304.
- 道林克禎・大原達也,2012.海洋地殻—マントル境界に発達した延性剪断帯と加水による軟化作用,地球,no. 34, 136-141.
- 道林克禎,2012.モホ点描-超深部掘削で何がわかるのか? 地球,no. 34, 189-193.
- 針金由美子・道林克禎,2012.走査型蛍光X線分析顕微鏡を用いた層状はんれい岩の組織解析:予察.静岡大学地球科学研究報告,no. 39, 7-27.
2013 (48) 平成25年
- **Kim, D., Katayama, I., Michibayashi, K., Tsujimori, T., 2013. Rheological contrast between glaucophane and lawsonite in naturally deformed blueschist from Diablo Range, California. Island Arc, 22, 63-73.
- **Aerden, D. A. M., Johnson, K., Michibayashi, K., 2013. Preface to “Deformation, porphyroblasts and mountain building: A special issue in honour of the career contributions of T. H. Bell”. Teconophysics, 587, 1-3.
- **Michibayashi, K., Suzuki, M., Komori, N., 2013. Progressive deformation partitioning during the deformation and recrystallization of olivine in the lithospheric mantle. Tectonophysics, 587, 79-88.
- **Harigane, Y., Michibayashi, K., Morishita, T., Tani, K., Dick, H., Ishizuka, O., 2013. The earliest mantle fabrics formed during subduction zone infancy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 377-378, 106-113.
- **Kim, D., Katayama, I., Michibayashi, K., Tsujimori, T., 2013. Deformation fabrics of natural blueschists and implications for seismic anisotropy in subducting oceanic crust. Physics of Earth and Planetary Interior, 222, 8-21.
- **Michibayashi, K., Oohara, T., 2013. Olivine fabric evolution in a hydrated ductile shear zone at the Moho Transition Zone, Oman Ophiolite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 377-378, 299-310.
- **Ji, S., Shao, T., Michibayashi, K., Long, C., Wang, Q., Kondo, Y., Zhao, W., Salisbury, M. H., 2013. A new calibration of seismic velocities, anisotropy, fabrics and elastic moduli of amphibolite-rich rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 1-30.
- **Satsukawa, T., Ildefonse, B., Mainprice, D., Morales, L. F. G., Michibayashi, K., Barou, F., 2013. A databese of plagioclase crystal preferred orientations (CPO) and microstructures – implications for CPO origin, strength, symmetry and seismic anisotropy. Solid Earth, 4, 511-542. [Co-supervised with Dr. Benoit Ildefonse of Université Montpellier2, France]
- *Kelemen, P., Al Rajhi, A., Godard, M., Ildefonse, B., Köpke, J., MacLeod, C., Manning, C., Michibayashi, K., Nasir, S., Shock, E., Takazawa, E., Teagle, D., 2013. Workshop Reports: Scientific drilling and related research in the Samail Ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman. Scientific Drilling, no. 15, 64-71. doi:10.2204/iodp.sd.15.10.2013
- *Ji, S., Michibayashi, K., Shao, T., Zhao, W., Kondo, Y., Wang, H., 2013. Seismic velocities, anisotropy and petrofabrics of amphiboilte from the Gaoligong Mts., Yunnan. Geological Review, 59, 769-780. (in Chinese with English abstract and figure captions)
- *Awei, L. I., Ji, S., Michibayashi, K., Shao, T., Wang, H., Long, C., Kondo, Y., Sun, S., Wang, Q., Salisbury, M., 2013. Seismic velocities, anisotropy and elastic properties of antigorite serpentinites and geological implications. Geological Review (in Chinese with English abstract and figure captions) in press.
- 古畑圭介・道林克禎・山下浩之,2013.オマーンオフィオライトモホ遷移帯に発達した延性剪断帯におけるマフィック岩の全岩化学組成.静岡大学地球科学研究報告,no. 40, 13-19.
2014 (49) 平成26年
- **Satsukawa, T., Michibayashi, K., 2014. Flow in the uppermost mantle during back-arc spreading revealed by Ichinomegata peridotite xenoliths, NE Japan. Lithos, 189, 89-104.
- **Nagaya, T., Wallis, S. R., Kobayashi, H., Michibayashi, K., Mizukami, T., Seto, Y., Miyake, A., Matsumoto, M., 2014. Dehydration breakdown of antigorite and the formation of B-type olivine CPO. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 387, 67-76.
- **Tasaka, M., Hiraga, T., Michibayashi, K., 2014. Influence of mineral fraction on the rheological properties of forsterite + enstatite during grain size sensitive creep 3: Application of grain growth and flow laws on peridotite ultramylonite. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 840-857.
- **Watanabe, T., Shirasugi, Y., Michibayashi, K., 2014. A new method for calculating seismic velocities in rocks containing strongly dimensionally anisotropic mineral grains and its application to natural antigorite-bearing serpentinites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 391, 24-35. (2014.1.16)
- **Shao, T., Ji, S., Kondo, Y., Michibayashi, K., Wang, Q., Xu, Z., Marcotte, D.,Salisbury, M. H., 2014. Antigorite-induced seismic anisotropy and implications for deformation in subduction zones and the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 2068-2099. (2014.1.17)
- *Wang, Q., Shao, T., Ji, S., Michibayashi, K., Kondo, Y., Long, C., Sun, S., 2014. Seismic velocities, anisotropy and elastic properties of Xiuyan Jade and its geological implications. Geoteconics et Metallogenia, 38, 12-26. (in Chinese with English abstract and figure captions)
- **Michibayashi, K., Harigane, Y., Ohara, Y., Muto, J., Okamoto, A., 2014. Rheological properties of the detachment shear zone in an oceanic core complex inferred by plagioclase flow law: Godzilla Megamullion, Parece Vela back-arc basin, Philippine Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 408, 16-23. (2014.10.3)
- **Ji, S., Shao, T., Salisbury, M. H., Sun, S., Michibayashi, K., Zhao, W., Long, C., Liang, F., Satsukawa, T., 2014. Plagioclase preferred orientation and induced seismic anisotropy in mafic igneous rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 8064-8088.
- **Nagaya, T., Wallis, S. R., Kobayashi, H., Michibayashi, K., Mizukami, T., Seto, Y., Miyake, A., Matsumoto, M., 2014. Reply to comment by Nozaka (2014) on “Dehydration breakdown of antigorite and the formation of B-type olivine CPO”. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 408, 406-407.
2015 (50) 平成27年
- **Kim, D., Katayama, I., Wallis, S., Michibayashi, K., Miyake, A., Seto, Y., Azuma, S., 2015. Deformation microstructures of glaucophane and lawsonite in experimentally deformed blueschists: Implications for intermediate-depth intraplate earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, 1229-1242. (2015.2)
- *道林克禎,2015. 最上部マントルかんらん岩の結晶方位ファブリックとP波速度構造.地学雑誌, 124, 397-409.
- **Kolansinski, R.D., Shimada, M., Oya, Y., Buchenauer, D.A., Chikada, T., Cowgill, D.F., Donovan, D.C., Friddle, R.W., Michibayashi, K., Sato, M., 2015. A multi-technique analysis of deuterium trapping and near-surface precipitate growth in plasma-exposed tungsten. Journal of Applied Physics, 118, 073301. (2015.8.17)
- **Ji, S., Shao, T., Michibayashi, K., Oya, S., Satsukawa, T., Wang, Q., Zhao, W., Salisbury, M. H., 2015. Magnitude and symmetry of seismic anisotropy in mica- and amphibole-bearing metamorphic rocks and implications for tectonic interpretation of seismic data from the southeast Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JB012209. (2015.9.21)
- Reagan, M. K., Pearce, J. A., Petronotis, K., Almeev, R., Avery, A. A., Carvallo, C., Chapman, T., Christeson, G. L., Ferré, E. C., Godard, M., Heaton, D. E., Kirchenbaur, M., Kurz, W., Kutterolf, S., Li, H. Y., Li, Y., Michibayashi, K., Morgan, S., Nelson, W. R., Prytulak, J., Python, M., Robertson, A. H. F., Ryan, J. G., Sager, W. W., Sakuyama, T., Shervais, J. W., Shimizu, K., Whattam, S. A., 2015. Expedition 352 summary. In Reagan, M. K., Pearce, J. A., Petronotis, K., and the Expedition 352 Scientists, Izu-Bonin-Mariana Fore Arc. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 352: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
- **Michibayashi, K., Watanabe, T., Harigane, Y., Ohara, Y., 2016. The effect of a hydrous phase on seismic anisotropy in the oceanic lower crust: A case study from the Godzilla Megamullion, Philippine Sea. Island Arc, 25, 209-219. (2016.3.22)
- **Wang, L., Blaha, S., Pintér, Z., Farla, R., Kawazoe, T., Miyajima, N., Michibayashi, K., Katsura, T., 2016. Temperature dependence of [100](010) and [001](010) dislocation mobility in natural olivine. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 441, 81-90. (2016. 02.14)
- **Michibayashi, K., Mainprice, D., Fujii, A., Uehara, S., Shinkai, Y., Kondo, Y., Ohara, Y., Ishii, T., Fryer, P., Bloomer, S. H., Ishiwatari, A., Hawkins, J., Ji, S., 2016. Natural olivine crystal-fabrics in the western Pacific convergence region: a new method to identify fabric type. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 443, 70-80. (2016.03.25)(Abstract, PDF file) [**Open Access Article**]
- **Akizawa, N., Ozawa, K., Tamura, A., Michibayashi, K., Arai, S., 2016. Three dimensional evolution of melting, heat and melt transfer in ascending mantle beneath a fast-spreading ridge segment constrained by trace elements in clinopyroxene from concordant dunites and host harzburgites of the Oman ophiolite. Journal of Petrology, 57, 777-814. (Abstract, PDF file)
- **Sun, S., Ji, S., Michibayashi, K., Salisbury, M., Dong, Y., 2016. Effects of olivine fabric, melt-rock reaction and hydration on the seismic properties of peridotites: insight from the Luobusha ophiolite in the Tibet Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 3300-3323. (Abstract, PDF file)
- **Shao, T., Ji, S., Oya, S., Michibayashi, K., Wang, Q., 2016. Mica-dominated seismic properties of mid-crust beneath west Yunnan (China) and geodynamic implications. Tectonophysics, 677-678, 324-338. (Abstract, PDF file)
- 道林克禎,2016.超深海海溝のマントル直接研究〜まるで惑星探査みたいなフィールドサイエンス〜.化学と工業,69, 446-448. (PDF file)
- **Harigane, Y., Abe, N., Michibayashi, K., Kimura, J., Chang, Q., 2016. Melt-rock interactions and fabric development of peridotites from North Pond in the Kane area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: implications of microstructural and petrological analyses of peridotite samples from IODP Hole U1382A. Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geosystems, 17, doi:10.1002/2016GC006429. (Abstract, PDF file)
- Michibayashi, K., Snow, J. E., 2016. Preface Virtual special Issue: Understanding of the largest oceanic core complex on the Earth, Godzilla Megamullion. Island Arc, 25, 192.(PDF file)
- 道林克禎,2016.“地殻・マントル変動と地球深部レオロジー”,静岡大学「研究フェロー」「若手充填研究者」第3期(2016〜2018),13,国立大学法人静岡大学.(PDFファイル)
- 道林克禎 2016. 地殻・マントル変動と地球深部レオロジー, SUCCESS (静岡大学広報誌), 16, 4.
- **Ji, S., Wang, Q., Shao, T., Endo, H., Michibayashi, K., Salisbury, M. H., 2016. S-wave velocities and anisotropy of typical rocks from Yunkai metamorphic complex and constraints on the composition of the crust beneath Southern China. Tectonophysics, 686, 27-50. (Abstract, PDF file)
- Kolasinski, R. D., Buchenauer, D. A., Doerner, R. P., Fang, Z. Z., Ren, C., Oya, Y., Michibayashi, K., Friddle, R. W., Mills, B. E. High-flux plasma exposure of ultra-fine grain tungsten. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 60, 28-36. (Abstract, PDF file)
- 道林克禎,2016.カンラン岩の構造の記載.海洋底科学の基礎(日本地質学会「海洋底の基礎」編集委員会編),共立出版,東京,174-179.
- Christeson, G., Morgan, S., Kodaira, S., Yamashita, M., Almeev, R. R., Michibayashi, K., Sakuyama, T., Ferre, E. C., Kurz, W., 2016. Physical properties and seismic structure of Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore arc crust: results from IODP Expedition 352 and comparison with oceanic crust. Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geosystems, 17, 4973-4991.
- 道林克禎 2016. 基盤研究(S) 理工系(数物系科学)研究課題名 最上部マントルの構造とモホ面の形成過程の研究〜海と陸からのアプローチ〜.我が国における学術研究課題の最前線−平成28年度科学研究費助成事業・大型研究種目・新規採択課題一覧−.平成28年12月 文部科学省 独立行政法人日本学術振興会,128.
- Michibayashi, K. 2016. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) Science and Engineering (Mathematical and Physical Sciences) Physical properties of uppermost mantle structure and the Mohorovicic seismic discontinuity, Frontline Scientific Research Projects Advanced in Japan –Newly Selected Large-scale Research Projects under FY2016– Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research. December, 2016 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 110.
- **Ryan, J. G., Shervais, J., Li, Y., Reagan, M. K., Heaton, D., Godard, M., Kirchenbaur, M., Whattam, S., Pearce, J. A., Chapman, T., Nelson, W., Prytulak, J., Shimizu, K., Petronotis, K., the IODP Expedition 352 Scientific Team (Michibayashi K. included), 2017. Application of a handheld X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for real-time, high-density quantitative analysis of drilled igneous rocks and sediments during IODP Expedition 352. Chemical Geology, 451, 55-66.
- **Satsukawa, T., Godard, M., Demouchy, S., Michibayashi, K., Ildefonse, B., 2017. Chemical interactions in the subduction factory: New insights from an in situ trace elements and hydrogen study of the Ichinomegata and Oki-Dogo mantle xenoliths (Japan). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 208, 234-267.
- **Reagan, M. K., Pearce, J. A., Petronots, K., Almeev, R. R., Avery, A. J., Carvallo, C., Chapman, T., Christeson, G. L., Ferré, E. C., Godard, M., Heaton, D. E., Kirchenbaur, M., Kurz, W., Kutterolf, S., Li, H., Li, Y., Michibayashi, K., Morgan, S., Nelson, W. R., Prytulak, J., Python, M., Robertson, A. H. F., Ryan, J. G., Sager, W. W., Sakuyama, T., Shervais, J. W., Shimizu, K., Whattam, S. A., 2017. Subduction initiation and ophiolite crust: new insight from IODP drilling. International Geology Review, 59, 1439-1450.
- 道林克禎,2017.マントル掘削計画 モホール計画と前弧モホール計画,そしてオマーン陸上掘削.海洋調査技術,29(1), 39-40.(著者校正なし)
- 道林克禎,2017.増田俊明先生をおくる.静岡大学地球科学研究報告,no. 44, F3.
- 道林克禎,2017.加藤憲二先生をおくる.静岡大学地球科学研究報告,no. 44, F11.
- 長谷川汰河・道林克禎・小澤一仁,2017.岩手県早池峰ー宮守オフィオライトかんらん岩の構造岩石学的特徴.静岡大学地球科学研究報告, no. 44, 31-46. (PDF)
- 道林克禎,2017.マントル掘削計画 モホール計画と前弧モホール計画,そしてオマーン陸上掘削.海洋調査技術,29(2), 21-24.(著者校正あり)
- **Hatakeyama, K., Kayatama, I., Hirauchi, K., Michibayashi, K., Mantle hydration along outer-rise faults inferred from serpentinite permeability. Scientific Reports, 7, 13870.
2018(53) 平成30年
- **Reagan, M. K., Heywood, L., Goff, K., Michibayashi, K., Foster Jr., C. T., Jicha, B., Lapen, T., McClelland, W. C., Ohara, Y., Righter, M., Scott, S., Sims, K. W. W., 2018. Geodynamic implications of crustal lithologies from the southeast Mariana forearc, Geosphere, v. 14, no. 1, doi: 10.1130/GES01536.1.(LINK)
- **Ji, S., Wuttke, F., Michibayashi, K., Salisbury, M. H., 2018. Poisson’s ratio and auxetic properties of natural rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research. DOI: 10.1002/2017JB014606, in press.