2016 (アルファベット順)
- Akizawa, N., Ozawa, K., Tamura, A., Michibayashi, K., Arai, S., 2016. Three dimensional evolution of melting, heat and melt transfer in ascending mantle beneath a fast-spreading ridge segment constrained by trace elements in clinopyroxene from concordant dunites and host harzburgites of the Oman ophiolite. Journal of Petrology, 57, 777-814. Abstract, PDF file
- Chen, C., Watanabe, H. K., Ohara, Y., 2016. A very deep Provanna (Gastropoda: Abyssochrysoidea) discovered from the Shinkai Seep Field, Southern Mariana Forearc. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1-9. Abstract PDF file
- Christeson, G., Morgan, S., Kodaira, S., Yamashita, M., Almeev, R. R., Michibayashi, K., Sakuyama, T., Ferre, E. C. and Kurz, W. Physical properties and seismic structure of Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore arc crust: results from IODP Expedition 352 and comparison with oceanic crust. Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geosystems, 17, 4973-4991.
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- Harigane, Y., Abe, N., Michibayashi, K., Kimura, J. and Chang, Q., 2016. Melt-rock interactions and fabric development of peridotites from North Pond in the Kane area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: implications of microstructural and petrological analyses of peridotite samples from IODP Hole U1382A. Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geosystems, 17, 2298-2322. Abstract PDF file
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- Ichiyama, Y., Morishita, T., Tamura, A., Arai, S., 2016. Peridotite xenoliths from the Shiribeshi Seamount, Japan Sea: insights into mantle processes in a back-arc basin. Conbributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171, DOI 10.1007/s00410-016-1300-6. Abstract, PDF file
- Ji, S., Wang, Q., Shao, T., Endo, H., Michibayashi, K. and Salisbury, M. H., 2016. S-wave velocities and anisotropy of typical rocks from Yunkai metamorphic complex and constraints on the composition of the crust beneath Southern China. Tectonophysics, 686, 27-50. Abstract, PDF file
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- Michibayashi, K. and Snow, J. E., 2016. Preface Virtual special Issue: Understanding of the largest oceanic core complex on the Earth, Godzilla Megamullion. Island Arc, 25, 192. Abstract, PDF file
- Michibayashi, K., Watanabe, T., Harigane, Y. and Ohara, Y., 2016. The effect of a hydrous phase on seismic anisotropy in the oceanic lower crust: A case study from the Godzilla Megamullion, Philippine Sea. Island Arc, 25, 209-219. Abstract, PDF file
- Ohara, Y., 2016. Godzilla Megamullion, the largest oceanic core complex on the earth: a histrical review. Island Arc, 25, 193-208. Abstract, PDF file
- Okumura, T., Ohara, Y., Stern, R. J., Yamanaka, T., Onishi, Y., Watanabe, H., Chen, C., Bloomer, S. H., Pujana, I., Sakai, S., Ishii, T., Takai, K., 2016. Brucite chimney formation and carbonate alteration at the Shinkai Seep Field, a serpentine-hosted vent system in the southern Mariana forearc. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi: 10.1002/2016GC006449. Abstract, PDF file
- Omori, Y., Barresi, A., Kimura, N., Okamoto, A. and Masuda, T., 2016. Contrast in stress-strain history during exhumation between high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic units in the Western Alps: Microboudinage analysis of piemontite in metacherts. Journal of Structural Geology, 89, 168-180. Abstract, PDF file
- Omori, T., Kuwatani T, Okamoto A. and Hukushima K., 2016. Bayesian inversion analysis of nonlinear dynamics in surface heterogeneous reactions. Physical Review E, 94, 033305. Abstract, PDF file
- Otsuji, N., Satish-Kumar, M., Kamei, A., Takazawa, E., Tsuchiya, N., Grantham, G., Kawakami, T., Ishikawa, M., Osanai, Y., 2016. Sr and Nd Isotopic evidence in metacarbonate rocks for an extinct Island arc–ocean system in East Antarctica. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 111, doi: 10.2465/jmps.151029a. Abstract, PDF file
- Sanfilippo, A., Dick, H, J. B., Ohara, Y. and Massimo, T., 2016. New insights on the origin of troctolites from the breakaway area of the Godzilla Megamullion (Parece Vela back-arc basin): the role of melt-mantle interaction on the composition of the lower crust. Island Arc, 25, 220-234. Abstract, PDF file
- Shimizu, H. and Okamoto, A., 2016. The roles of fluid transport and surface reaction in reaction-induced fracturing, with implications for the development of mesh textures in serpentinites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171: 73. Abstract, PDF file
- Shao, T., Ji, S., Oya, S., Michibayashi, K. and Wang, Q., 2016. Mica-dominated seismic properties of mid-crust beneath west Yunnan (China) and geodynamic implications. Tectonophysics, 677-678, 324-338. Abstract, PDF file
- Su, T.-H., Yang, H.-J., Lee, Y.-C., Shau, Y.-H., Takazawa, E., Lin, M.-F., Mou, J.-L., Jiang, W.-T., 2016. Reductive Heating Experiments on BOF-Slag: Simultaneous Phosphorus Re-Distribution and Volume Stabilization for Recycling. Steel Research International, 87, 1511–1526. Abstract, PDF file
- Su, T.-H., Yang, H.-J., Shau, Y.-H., Takazawa, E., Lee, Y.-C., 2016. CO2 sequestration utilizing basic-oxygen furnace slag: Controlling factors, reaction mechanisms and V–Cr concerns. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 41, 99-111. Abstract, PDF file
- Sun, S., Ji, S., Michibayashi, K., Salisbury, M. and Dong, Y., 2016. Effects of olivine fabric, melt-rock reaction and hydration on the seismic properties of peridotites: insight from the Luobusha ophiolite in the Tibet Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 3300-3323. Abstract, PDF file
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- Tamura, A., Morishita, T., Ishimaru, S., Hara, K., Sanfilippo, A., Arai, S., 2016. Compositional variations in spinel-hosted pargasite inclusions in the olivine-rich rock from the oceanic crust-mantle boundary zone. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171, DOI 10.1007/s00410-016-1245-9. Abstract, PDF file
- Yang, H.-J., Lee, C.-Y., Chiang, Y.-J., Jean, J.-S., Shau, Y.-H., Takazawa, E., Jiang, W.-T., 2016. Distribution and hosts of arsenic in a sediment core from the Chianan Plain in SW Taiwan: Implications on arsenic primary source and release mechanisms. Science of The Total Environment, 569-570, 212-222. Abstract, PDF file