

      1. S.Chebotaryov et al. (collaboration)
        “Proton elastic scattering at 200 A MeV and high momentum transfers of 1.7-2.7 fm-1
        as a probe of the nuclear matter density of 6He”
        Prog. Theo. Exp. Phys. 2018, 053D01 (2018)

      2. K.Kaki
        “Reaction cross sections of proton scattering from carbon isotopes (A=8-22)
        by means of the relativistic impulse approximation”
        Prog. Theo. Exp. Phys. 2017, 09D01 (2017)
      3. K.Kaki
        “Neutron density distributions analyzed in terms of relativistic impulse approximation
        for nickel isotopes”
        Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 24, 1550015 (2015), DOI: 10.1142/S0218301315500159
      4. K.Kaki
        “Relativistic impulse approximation analysis of elastic proton scattering from He isotopes”
        Phys.Rev. C89, 014620 (2014)
      5. K.Kaki, Y.Suzuki and R.B.Wiringa
        “Polarized proton+4,6,8He elastic scattering with breakup effects in the eikonal
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      6. K.Kaki
        “Relativistic impulse approximation analysis of unstable calcium isotopes: 60-74Ca”
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      7. K.Kaki
        “A Model Analysis of Neutron Distribution of 208Pb Based on the Relativistic
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      8. K.Kaki, H.Toki and I.Tanihata
        “Nuclear distribution of 208Pb in the relativistic impulse approximation
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      9. K.Kaki
        “A Model Analysis ofNeutron Distribution of 208Pb based
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        Acta Physica Universitais Comenianae, Vol.XLIII, pp 9-18, 2002
      10. K.Kaki and H.Toki
        “Nuclear Distribution of 208Pb determined by the RIA Calculation
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        Proceedings of JICAST2001, 11-14 ( 6th Joint International Conference
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      11. K.Kaki and H.Toki
        “Relativistic impulse approach for proton elastic scattering
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    1. K.Kaki
      “Reaction cross sections of proton scattering from carbon isotopes: 9-22C”
      Hawaii 2014 Fourth Joint Meeting of The Nuclear Physics Divistion of The APS and JPS
      Oct.7-11, 2014, Waikoloa, Hawaii
    2. K.Kaki, Y.Suzuki and R.B.Wiringa
      “Polarized proton+4,6,8He elastic scattering with breakup effects in the eikonal
    3. K.Kaki
      “RIA vs. Glauber theory analysis of proton-elastic scattering from He isotopes”
      Mini-Workshop Polarization phenomenon in proton elastic scattering from unstabel nuclei
    4. K.Kaki
      “RIA analysis of proton-elastic scattering from He isotopes”
    5. K.Kaki
      “RIA analysis of proton-elastic scattering from He isotopes”
    6. K.Kaki
      “Neutron Density Distributions of Nickel Isotopes Analyzed in terms of Relativistic
      Impulse Approximation”
    7. K.Kaki
      “Neutron Density Distributions of Nickel Isotopes Analyzed in terms of Relativistic
      Impulse Approximation”
      Halo2010 Symposium
      Dec. 6-9, 2010, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan
    8. K.Kaki
      “Relativisitic impulse approximation analysis of unstable nickel isotopes: 48-82Ni”
      Hawaii 2009 Third Joint Meeting of The Nuclear Physics Divistion of The APS and JPS
      Oct.13-17, 2009, Waikoloa, Hawaii
    9. K.Kaki
      “A Model Analysis of Neutron Distribution of 48Ca Based on the RIA
      of Proton-Elastic Scattering”
    10. K.Kaki
      “RIA calculations for proton-elastic scattering from Ni isotopes of A=47-82
      at 200-500 MeV”
    11. K.Kaki
      “Multiple Scattering Contributions for Proton-Elastic Scattering from 60-74Ca nuclei”
    12. K.Kaki
      “Medium effect in proton elastic scattering from 60-74Ca nuclei”
    13. K.Kaki
      “Proton Elastic Scattering from 60-74Ca Nuclei”
      Hawaii 2005 Second Joint Meeting of The Nuclear Physics Divistion of The APS and JPS
      Sept.18-22, 2005, Kapalua, Hawaii