Peer-Reviewed Publications
  1. Okura T., Takahashi A. Sasanami T., Oda T. Dur G*(2024) First individual-based model to study the impact of temperature on Sakura shrimp larvae development: integrating experimental insights. Aquaculture. [in press],
  2. Nakane K., Liu X, Doi H., Dur G, Ban S, Tsugeki N. (2023) Sedimentary DNA can reveal the past population dynamics of a pelagic copepod. Freshwater Biology.68(11):1917-1928 [1111/fwb.14096]. JIF: 3.07 – JCR IF Rank Q1 (Aquatic Science)
  3. Takahashi A, Ban S., Papa R.D.S., Tordesillas D., Dur G* (2023) Cumulative reproduction model to quantify the production of the invasive species Arctodiaptomus dorsalis (Calanoida, Copepoda). Ecological Modelling 482 [10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110398] JIF: 3.1 – JCR IF Rank: Q1 (Ecology)
  4. Chen S, Pan Y-J, Lu A., Huang C.W., Liao J.L, Chang J-S, Dur G (2024) Establishing an astaxanthin-rich live feed strain of Pseudodiaptomus annandalei (Copepoda: Calanoida). Scientific Reports. [in press], JIF:4.44 – JCR IF Rank: Q1 (Multidisciplinary)
  5. Liu X, Nakamoto Y, Dur G, Ban S (2022) Mate-seeking behavior in the calanoid copepod Eodiaptomus japonicus collected from Lake Biwa, Japan. Journal Plankton Research fbac052
  6. Dur G, Liu X, Sakai Y, Hsieh CH, Ban S, Souissi S. (2022) Disrupted seasonal cycle of the warm adapted and main zooplankter of Lake Biwa Japan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 48 (5): 1206-1218
  7. Yoshino M, Pan YJ, Souissi S, Dur G (2022) An individual-based model to quantify the effect of salinity on the production of Apocyclops royi (Cyclopoida, Copepoda). Frontiers in Marine Science 9:863244
  8. Oda T, Dur G, Ducasse S, Souissi S (2021) re:Mobidyc – Reconstructing Modeling Based on Individual for the Dynamics of Community. Advance in Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, and Social Good. The PAAMS collection. 19th International Conference, PAAMS21, Salamanca, Spain, October 6-8, 2021. 367-371[ISBN 978-3-030-85739-4].
  9. Oda T, Dur G (2021) 個体群動態論に特化したマルチエージェントシミュレーション基盤 Re:Mobidyc. Software Engineers Association, Software Symposium in Oita. July 2-4, 2021. [ISBN 978-4-916227-27-0]
  10. Liu X, Dur G, Ban S, Sakai Y, Ohmae S, Morita T. (2021). Quasi-decadal periodicities in growth and production of the copepod Eodiaptomus japonicas in Lake Biwa, Japan, related to the Arctic Oscillation. Limnology and Oceanography 66:3783-3795. doi: 10.1002/lno.11918
  11. Tao HH, Dur G, Ke PJ, Souissi S, Hsieh CH (2021). Age-specific habitat preference, carrying capacity, and landscape structure determine the response of population spatial variability to fishing-driven age truncation. Ecology and Evolution 11: 6358-6370.
  12. Doubek JP, Anneville O, Dur G, Lewandowska A, Patil VP, Rusak JA, Salamaso N, Seltmann CT, Straile D, Urrutia-Cordero P, Venail P, Adrian R, Alfonso MB, DeGasperi CL, deEyto E, Feuchtmayr J, Gaiser EE, Girdner SF, Graham JL, Grossart HP, Hejzlar J, Jacquet S, Kirillin G, Llames ME, Matsuzaki SIS, Nodine ER, Piccolo MC, Pierson DC, Rimmer A, Rimmer A, Rudstam LG, Sadro S, Swain HM, Thackeray SJ, Thiery W, Verburg P, Zohary T, Stockwell JD (2021). The extent and variability of storm-induced temperature changes in lakes measured with long-term and high-frequency data. Limnology and Oceanography 9999: 1-14.
  13. Dur G, Won E, Han J, Lee JS, Souissi S (2021). An individual-based model for evaluating post-exposure effects of UV-B radiation on zooplankton reproduction. Ecological Modelling 441:109379.
  14. Jenny JP, Anneville O, Arnaud F, Baulaz Y, Bouffard D, Domaizon I, Bocaniov SA, Chever N, Dittrich M, Dorioz JM, Dunlop ES, Dur G, et al. (2020) Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research.
  15. Stockwell J, Doubek J, Adrian R, Anneville O, Carey C, Carvalho L, deSenerpont Domis L, Dur G, et al. (2020). Storm impacts on phytoplankton community dynamics in Lakes. Global Change Biology 26:2756–2784.
  16. Liu X, Ban S, Beyrend D, Dur G, Kuwae M, Makino W, Urabe J. (2020) Resting egg bank of the perennial copepod Eodiaptomus japonicus  in Lake Biwa (Japan).  Inland Waters. 10(1):89-100.
  17. Liu X, Dur G, Ban S, Sakai Y, Ohmae S, Morita T. (2019). Planktivorous fish predation masks anthropogenic disturbances on decadal trends in zooplankton biomass and body size structure in Lake Biwa, Japan. Limnology and Oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.11336
  18. Mendosa MU, Dur G, Rosana MR, Santos MD, Mutia MTM, Kawit NS, Ite MO, Villanueva LS, Anneville O, Souissi S, Papa RDS. (2019). Water quality and weather trends preceding fish kill occurences in Lake Taal (Luzon Is., Philippines) and recommendations on its long-term monitoring. Philippine Science Letters 12(2):147-156.
  19. Anneville O, Chang CH, Dur G, Souissi S, Rimet F, Hsieh CH (2019) The paradox of re-oligotrophication: the role of bottom-up to top-down controls on the phytoplankton community. Oikos. doi: 10.1111/oi k .0 6399
  20. Dur G, Souissi S (2018) Ontogenic optimal temperature and salinity envelops of the copepod Eurytemora affinis in the Seine estuary. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 200:311-323.
  21. Anneville O, Dur G, Rimet F, Souissi S (2018) Plasticity in phytoplankton annual periodicity: an adaptation to long-term environmental changes. Hydrobiologia 824:121-141.
  22. Mahjoub MS, Dur G, Souissi S, Schmitt FG, Hwang JS (2016) Multifractal anisotropic swimming: the optimal foraging behavior of Grouper larvae. Journal of Fish Biology 88:1835-1846.
  23. Liu X, Beyrend D, Dur G, Ban S. (2015). Combined effects of temperature and food concentration on growth and reproduction of Eodiaptomus japonicus (Copepoda Calanoida) from Lake Biwa (Japan). Freshwater Biology. 60 (10): 2003-2018
  24. Beyrend-Dur D, Dur G, Souissi S, Hwang JS (2014). Dormant eggs of calanoid copepod from tropical brackish aquaculture ponds. Crustaceana. 87(3): 284-290
  25. Liu X, Beyrend-Dur D, Dur G, Ban S. (2014). Effect of temperature on the life cycle traits of Eodiaptomus japonicus (Copepoda Calanoida) from Lake Biwa. Limnology.15: 85-97.
  26. Dur G, Jimenez-Melero R, Beyrend-Dur D, Hwang JS, Souissi S. (2013). Individual-based model of the phenology of egg-bearing copepods: application to Eurytemora affinis from the Seine estuary, France. Ecological modeling. 269: 21-36.
  27. Dur G, Souissi S, Schmitt FG, Cheng SH, Hwang JS (2012). Sex ratio and mating behavior in the calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus annandalei. Zoological Studies. 51(5): 589-597
  28. Dur G, Souissi S, Schmitt FG, Beyrend-Dur D, Cheng SH, Hwang JS (2011). Mating and mate choice in Pseudodiaptomus annandalei (Copepoda, Calanoida). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 402:1-11
  29. Schmitt FG, Devreker D, Dur G, Souissi S (2011). Direct evidence of tidally-oriented behavior of the copepod Eurytemora affinis in the Seine estuary. Ecological Research. 26: 773-780
  30. Dur G, Souissi S, Schmitt FG, Michalec FG, Mahjoub MS, Hwang JS (2011). Effects of animal density, volume and use of 2D / 3D recording on behavioral studies of copepods. Hydrobiologia. 666:197-214
  31. Souissi S, Michalec FG, Dur G, Mahjoub MS, Schmitt FG, Hwang JS (2010). How does Salinity influence the swimming speed of the estuarine copepod Eurytemora affinis?: Reply. Plankton Research. 32:1227-1229
  32. Michalec FG, Souissi S, Dur G, Mahjoub MS, Schmitt FG, Hwang JS (2010). Differences in behavioral responses of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda, Calanoida) adults to salinity variations. Plankton Research. 32:805-813
  33. Dur G, Souissi S, Schmitt FG, Cheng SH, Hwang JS (2010). The different aspects in motion of the three reproductive stages of Pseudodiaptomus annandalei (Copepoda, Calanoida). Plankton Research. 32:423-440
  34. Dur G, Souissi S, Devreker D, Ginot V, Schmitt FG, Hwang JS (2009). An individual based model to study the reproduction of egg bearing copepods: application to Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda Calanoida) from the Seine estuary, France. Ecological Modelling. 220:1073-1089
  35. Schmitt FG, Dur G, Souissi S, Zongo SB (2008). Statistical properties of turbidity, oxygen and pH in the Seine river estuary (France). PhysicaA. 387:6613-6623
  36. Dur G, Hwang JS, Souissi S, Tseng LC, Wu CH, Hsiao SH, Chen QC (2007). An overview of the influence of the hydrodynamics on the spatial and temporal patterns of the calanoid copepod communities around Taiwan. Plankton Research. 29:97-116
  37. Dur G, Schmitt FG, Souissi S (2007). Analysis of high frequency temperature time series in the Seine estuary (France) from the Marel autonomous monitoring buoy. Hydrobiologia. 588:59-68


Book chapter
  1. Dur G, Souissi S (2017) Use of models integrating the biological effects in aquatic ecotoxicology. Utilisation de modèles intégrateurs des effets biologiques en écotoxicologies aquatique (in French). In Les biomarqueurs dans l’évaluation de l’état écologique des milieux aquatiques Amiard J.-C., Amiard-Triquet C. (Eds).
  2. Beaudoin R, Coulaud R, Devillers J, Dur G, Pelosi C, Pery A, Souissi S (2017). The scale change from the individual to the population. Le changement d’échelle de l’individu à la population (in French). In Les effets écotoxicologiques: de la molécule à la population. Pery A. (Eds).
  3. Kwok KWH, Souissi S, Dur G, Won E-J, Lee J-S (2015) Copepods as references species in estuarine and marine waters. In Aquatic Ecotoxicology. Amiard-Triquet C., Amiard J.-C., Mouneyrac C. (Eds) CRC Press. pp 281-308.


Non-peer-reviewed publications

2 Booklets on the fauna and flora of Maoao Bay, North East Taiwan (in Chinese)

Dur G, Souissi S, Schmitt FG, Devreker D (2004) Modélisation des processus de maintien et de développement du copépode Eurytemora affnis dans l’estuaire de la Seine. In Y Pomeau, R Ribotta, eds. Proc. 7ème Rencontre du Non-linéaire, Paris, Institut Poincaré. Non-linéaire publications, Paris, pp. 85-90 (in French)