June, 2024:

Our collaborative work with researchers from the university of Shiga prefecture came to fruition with a published paper in Diversity.

Congratulations to Amane for her second published paper. This one emanates from her graduate research on the development of an IBM to elucidate the disrupted seasonal cycle of the copepod Eodiaptomus japonicus in Lake Biwa.

Check out our paper for more information.

Takahashi et al. 2024. Elucidating the disrupted Seasonal Cycle of Eodiaptomus japonicus (Calanoida, Copepoda) in Lake Biwa: insight from an Individual-Based Model. Diversity. 16(6), 309;


March, 2024:

Congratulations to Takahashi A. and Okura T. on obtaining their Master’s diplomas! Takahashi A. will be heading to the USA to pursue a PhD, and Okura T. will be joining the renowned car company NISSAN. We are incredibly proud of their achievements and wish them great success in their future endeavors!



May, 2023:

Our collaborative work with researchers from Japan and the Philippines came to fruition with a published paper in Ecological Modeling.

Congratulations to Amane for her first published paper that emanates from her undergraduate research on the development of an IBM to simulate the effect of food and temperature on Lake Taal invasive copepod Arctodiaptomus dorsalis.

Check out our paper for more information.

Takahashi et al. 2023. Cumulative reproduction model to quantify the production of the invasive species Arctodiaptomus dorsalis (Calanoida, Copepoda). Ecological Modeling.


March 2023 :

In the framework of our student exchange agreement with Lille University, we welcome Louise LAINÉ who will conduct her Master’s research internship on the effect of trace metal on the dynamics of an estuarine copepod.




December, 2022 – January 2023:

In the framework of our collaborative work with National Taiwan Ocean University, we had the visit of Mr. Sen CHAN .

Sen Chan is the first student from Taiwan to come to Shizuoka University in the framework of the Cooperation of Agreement and Student Exchange agreement between the faculty of Science of Shizuoka University and the Department of Aquaculture of the National Taiwan Ocean University.

Sen Chan greatly contributed to establishing phytoplankton culture in the lab. We have now cultures of two phytoplankton species, essential for developing the culture of higher trophic level organisms. He also taught the ins and outs of phytoplankton culture to Takuya OKURA, who is now in charge of maintaining the cultures.



June, 2022:

Our collaborative work with a French and Taiwanese team came to fruition with a published paper in Frontiers in Marine Science.

Congratulation to Yoshino for his first published paper that emanates from his undergraduate research on the development of an IBM to simulate the effect of salinity on the live feed copepod Apocyclops royii (picture on the right, courtesy of YenJu PAN).

Check out our paper for more information.

Yoshino et al. 2022. An individual-based model to quantify the effect of salinity on the production of Apocyclops royii (Cyclopoida, Copepoda). Frontiers in Marine Science.


May, 2022:
The DGtalAquaLab students have now a brand new and bigger room to study. Big thanks to Amane for the design and Mizuki and Takuya for their help in creating this great environment.


March, 2022:

Congratulations to our newly graduated students. Takuya OKURA, Amane TAKAHASHI, and Mizuki YOSHINO have integrated the graduate school and will be the new Master’s Students of the lab!


April, 2021:

The DGTalAquaLab joined the Pharo Consortium as an Academic Member.

Pharo is a software platform developed by the INRIA “RMOD” team, a research team from Lille INRIA research center.

This membership will benefit the work on the development of Re:Mobidyc our software to develop Individual-Based Model for studying the population dynamics of aquatic microorganisms.


March, 2021:

Our collaborative work with a French and Taiwanese Team came to fruition with a published paper in Ecology and Evolution.

This time the model developed was not about copepod but fish and their response to fishing.

Check out our paper for more information.

Tao et al. 2021. Age-specific habitat preference, carrying capacity, and landscape structure determine the response of population spatial variability to fishing-driven age truncation. Ecology and Evolution.


February, 2021:

Our collaborative work with a French and Korean Team came to fruition with a published paper in Ecological Modelling.

Here we focused on the effect of UV-B radiation on copepod reproduction.

Check out our paper for more information.

Dur et al. 2021. An individual-based model for evaluating post-exposure effects of UV-B radiation on zooplankton reproduction. Ecological Modelling.


September, 2020:

September 11th, was the graduation ceremony for student graduating. Miss Jannatul Ferdaus Ara received officially her Master diploma for all the credits she accumulated and her research work on the effect of Typhoon on Lake Kasumigaura’s phytoplankton.

Congratulation Ara-chan and have a safe trip back to Bangladesh!


August, 2020:

Kasuki passed the entrance exam for the graduate school of the Department Geoscience. He will start is Master degree in April 2021 and will be working on the effect of trace metal on the population dynamics of copepod.

Congratulation Kasuki!


May, 2020:

The DGtal Aqua lab contributed to the following published paper.

J.-P. Jenny, O. Anneville, F. Arnaud et al., Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes, Journal of Great Lakes Research,


March, 2020:

The DGtal Aqua lab contributed to the following published paper.

Stockwell JD, Doubek JP, Adrian R, et al. Storm impacts on phytoplankton community dynamics in lakes.
Glob Change Biol. 2020;26:2756–2784.

Press released

November 4-6, 2019:

The DGtal Aqua lab was at the 4th Asian Marine Biology Symposium in Taipei, Taiwan.


September 18-21, 2019:

The DGtal Aqua lab was at the Annual joint meeting of the plankton society of Japan and the Japanese Association of Benthology in Shizuoka, Japan. Congratulations to Ara, Haruka, Yousuke and Mitsuki on their poster presentations!

nb: Being in the organizing committee, Gael dealt with the abstract book cover and the public symposium poster (left).