Environmental restoration

Remediation of contaminated intertidal sediment by increasing permeability using active capping material
K Kim
, K Kim

Journal of Environmental Management (2019) 253, 109769. 
Changes in Permeability and Benthic Environment of Coastal Sediment based on Calcium Salt Supplier
K Kim
, YC Suh, IC Lee, CG Choi, K Kim

Journal of Coastal Research (2019) 91 (SI), 311-315. ㅤ
Quantitative measurement on removal mechanisms of phosphate by class–F fly ash
K Kim
, K Kim, S Asaoka, IC Lee, DS Kim, S Hayakawa

International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization (2018) 40 (12), 892-903. 
岡田卓, K Kim, 中下慎也, 正岡孝, 日比野忠史.
土木学会論文集 B1 (水工学) (2020) 76 (2), 1273-1278.
岩本崇, K Kim, 吉村一輝, 日比野忠史.
土木学会論文集 B1 (水工学) (2020) 76 (2), 1387-1392.