Research Topics

  • 当研究室では、将来のエレクトロニクスに変革をもたらす新規デバイスの創出を念頭に、

    ・ 電子・電子散乱、電子流体効果、電子相関の制御とデバイス応用(P.I. 小野)
    ・ 電子・フォノン散乱の機構解明と制御(P.I. 小野)
    ・ エサキダイオードの低温エレクトロニクス応用(P.I. 小野:休止中)
    ・ 電子・正孔2層系の制御とデバイス応用(P.I.堀、小野)
    ・ 電気的読み出しESR(EDMR)の高感度化と欠陥解析への応用(P.I. 堀)
    ・ チャージポンピング法の拡張(EDMR、実時間観察、低温計測など)(P.I. 堀)
    ・ 単一欠陥のチャージポンピングの物理(P.I. 土屋)



  • In our laboratory, we focus on developing novel devices that will revolutionize future electronics. Our research covers the study of electron-electron (or electron-hole) interactions, electron-phonon interactions, and interface defect properties in silicon MOS (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) structures.

    ・Electron-electron scattering, electron fluid effects, control of electron correlations, and device applications (P.I. Ono)
    ・Mechanism elucidation and control of electron-phonon scattering (P.I. Ono)
    ・Low-temperature electronics applications of Esaki diodes (P.I. Ono: On hold)
    ・Control and device applications of electron-hole bilayer systems (P.I. Hori, Ono)
    ・Enhancement of sensitivity in electrical readout ESR (EDMR) and its application to defect analysis (P.I. Hori)
    ・Extension of charge pumping methods (EDMR, real-time observation, low-temperature measurements, etc.) (P.I. Hori)
    ・Physics of charge pumping of single defects (P.I. Tsuchiya)