2024.6  Paper published in Applied Physics Express
2024.4  Received Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Ono)
2024.4  Received Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research (B)  (Hori)


2023.11  Article about our research appeared in “TECH+” , “Optronics online“, and “EE Times Japan
2023.11  Article about our research appeared in “Nikkan Kogyo” (in Japanese)
2023.10  Press released for the research achievement of collaborative work
2023.10 Paper published in Communications Physics
2023.6  Invited talk at the Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop 2023 (Ono)
2023.6  Received Fellow award from Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) (Ono)
2023.4  Paper published in RSC Advances
2023.3  Received a Letter of Appreciation from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
     (JSPS) (Ono)                                                                            
2023.2  Article about our research appeared in “Nikkei.com” (in Japanese)
2023.2  Article about our research appeared in “Asahi Shimbun Digital Magazine and asahi.com”(in Japanese)
2023.2  Article about our research appeared in “Nikkan Kogyo” (in Japanese)
2023.2  Press released for the research achievement of collaborative work
2023.2  Paper published in Communications Physics
2023.1  Invited talk at the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers(Ono)

2022.11 Invited talk at the 24th Takayanagi Kenjiro Memorial Symposium (Hori)
2022.10 Plenary talk at the ICTA2022 (Ono) Hybrid Conference
2022.6  Received Grants-in Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering) (Ono)
   Paper published in Applied Physics Express

2021.12 Received Takayanagi Young Researcher Award (Hori)
2021.11 Invited talk at the International Workshop on Dielectric Thin Films for Future Electron Devices                                     -Science and Technology- (2021 IWDTF), (Hori)
2021.9  Paper published in Applied Physics Express
2021.6  Paper selected as “Editor’s picks” of APL
2021.6  Paper published in Applied Physics Letters
2021.1  Invited talk at the 6th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN-2021),                         
(Ono, Hori)Virtual conference

2020.11 Received Takayanagi Memorial Award (Ono)

2020.4  Received Awards for Science and Technology (Research Category) of The Commendation for                     Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Ono)
2020.4  Received Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research (A)  (Ono)
2020.4  Received Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research (B)  (Hori)
2020.3  Received 11th JSAP Silicon Technology Division Paper Award (Ono, Hori)
2020.3  Received 11th JSAP Silicon Technology Division Young Researcher Award (Hori)

2019.11 Invited talk at the International Symposium on Control of Semiconductor Interfaces
 (ISCSI-VIII),                                      Tohoku University (Hori)
2019.11 Plenary talk at Takayanagi Memorial Symposium (Ono)
2019.7  Paper published in Applied Physics Express
2019.6  Paper published in Physical Review Applied
2019.6  Paper published in Applied Physics Letters
2019.4  Y. Ono appointed to Program Officer of JSPS Research Center for Science Systems
2019.4  Y. Ono awarded Research Fellowship of Shizuoka University
2019.3   Himma Firdaus, our Ph.D. student, was commended President Award of Shizuoka University
2019.3  Himma Firdaus, our Ph.D. student, was commended                                                                                             Dean Award of School of Science and Technology
2019.1  Invited talk at the 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ICONN2019,                                   Chennai, India (Ono, Hori)
2019.1  Article about our research appeared in “Nikkan Kokyo”(in Japanese)

2018.12  Article about our research appeared in ITmedia, Optronics, and EE Times Japan  (in Japanese)

2018.12  Article about our research appeared in “the Nikkei (electronic edition) ” ver.1, ver.2 (in Japanese)
2018.12  Article about our research appeared in “the Nikkei” and “Nikkei Sangyo” (in Japanese)
2018.12  Press release for our research achievement
2018.12  Paper published in Nature Communications
2018.11  Invited talk at the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science Chubu                                                                          Branch Association 2018 (Hori, Ono)
2018.10  Paper published in Applied Physics Letters
2018.4    Received Grants-in Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Manja)

2018.4     Dr.Razanoelina Manjakavahoaka joining our group as Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
2018.4     Dr.Tokinobu Watanabe and Dr. Kateryna Zelenska joining our group as Postdoctoral Researcher
2018.1    Paper of KAGRA project, in which Y.O.had participated, published in PTEP (Ono)

2017.11   Received the 43th JSAP Encouragement Award for Young Researcher (Hori)

2017.10   Recruitment for Specially Appointed Assistant Professor and Postdoctoral  Researcher!!                                                  (Application deadline:January 8, 2018)
2017.9     Invited talk at Inter-Academia2017, Iasi, Romania(Ono)
2017.9     Received 10th  JSAP Poster Award (Hori, Tsuchiya, Ono)
2017.6     Received Grants-in Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering) (Ono)
2017.5     Invited talk at The 6th International Conference on Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale                      Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors (Tsuchiya)
2017.5     Invited talk at IV Bilateral Italy-Japan seminar, Colico, Italy (Ono, Hori)
2017.4     Dr.Toshiaki Tsuchiya joining our group as a specially appointed professor
2017.3    Paper published in Applied Physics Letters

2016.12   Paper published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 
2016.12    Paper published in Applied Physics Express
2016.11   Invited talk at the 18th Takayanagi Kenjiro Memorial Symposium (Hori)
2016.9      Received JSAP Paper Award (Tsuchiya, Ono)
2016.4     Invited talk at EMN Meeting on Quantum, Phuket, Thailand (Hori)
2016.4     Received Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research (A)  (Ono)
2016.4     Received Grants-in Aid for Young Scientists (A)  (Hori)
2016.4     Ono/Hori Lab. Kick Off!!