/ 12月 2, 2011/ 静岡代数学セミナー

日 時: 2011年12月2日(金), 3日(土), 4日(日)
場 所: 静岡大学理学部 C 棟 309 号室
案 内: http://www.shizuoka.ac.jp/ippan/shizuoka.html
理学部 A 棟1階から入り,エレベーターで4階まで上がり,渡り廊下を渡ると,理学部 C 棟の1階に着きます.
連絡: 浅芝秀人 (shasash+), 毛利出 (simouri+), 木村杏子 (skkimur+)
(+ := @ipc.shizuoka.ac.jp)
注意: 土曜と日曜,理学部棟は施錠されています.



13:15 – 14:15 柳川浩二(関西大学)
Alternative polarizations of Borel fixed ideals, Eliahou-Kervaire type resolution and discrete Morse theory

14:30 – 15:30 Demonet, Laurent(名古屋大学多元数理)
Categorification of skew-symetrizable cluster algebras, I

15:45 – 16:45 中岡 宏行(鹿児島大学)
Some homological constructions on triangulated categories, I

17:00 – 18:00 伊山 修(名古屋大学多元数理)
Auslander correspondence and n-representation finite algebras

10:00 – 11:00 上山 健太(静岡大学創科院)
AS-regular algebras and graded Morita equivalences

11:15 – 12:15 源 泰幸(京都大学)
Toward inter-relative development between NC projective geometry of AS regular algebras and representation theory of Fano algebras, I

13:15 – 14:15 伊山 修
n-representation infinite algebras

14:30 – 15:30 柳川浩二
Lyubeznik numbers of Stanley-Reisner ideals

15:45 – 16:45 Demonet, Laurent
Categorification of skew-symetrizable cluster algebras, II

17:00 – 18:00 中岡 宏行
Some homological constructions on triangulated categories, II

19:00 – 懇親会


10:00 – 11:00 源 泰幸
Toward inter-relative development between NC projective geometry of AS regular algebras and representation theory of Fano algebras, II

11:15 – 12:15 伊山 修
Higher preprojective algebras and quivers with potentials


  • 柳川浩二
    (1) Alternative polarizations of Borel fixed ideals, Eliahou-Kervaire type resolution and discrete Morse theory <大阪大学の岡崎亮太氏との共同研究>

    Borel fixed (monomial) ideal は, グレブナー基底の理論に自然に現れるクラスで, その squarefree 版ともども, 非常に重要である。Borel fixed ideal の極小自由分解は, Eliahou-Kervaire によって構成されているが, squarefree 版に直接には適応できない。

    今回, 我々は “(non-standard な) polarization” という手法を用いて, Borel fixed ideal とその squarefree 版に統一的に適応できる極小自由分解の記述を与えたので紹介する(Eliahou-Kervaire 分解やHerzog-高山による一般化と類似した面もあるが, 同一ではない)。我々のアプローチは, 「離散モース理論」の組合せ論的可換代数への応用を志向する Batzies-Welker の仕事の枠組み内でも解釈できるので, これについても概説したい。

    (2) Lyubeznik numbers of Stanley-Reisner ideals
    多項式環 S=K[x_1, …, x_n] のイデアル I を台とする局所コホモロジー群 H_I^i(S) の Bass number (極小入射分解のサイズを量る不変量)は, “Lyubeznik number” とも呼ばれ近年注目されている.

    今回, squarefree monomial ideal を台とする場合, つまり単体的複体Δに付随した Stanley-Reisner ideal I_Δ を台とする場合について, 筆者が以前から扱ってきた手法である “squarefree module”, それに付随する構成可能層, Poincare-Verdier duality との関連・・・を用いて精査したので報告する。特に, この場合の Lyubeznik number が Δ の幾何学的実現の位相(とK の標数)のみに依存することを示す。

  • 中岡 宏行
    Some homological constructions on triangulated categories
    A torsion pair on a triangulated category yields an abelian category. This generalizes simultaneously (1) the heart of a t-structure and (2) the ideal quotient by a cluster tilting subcategory. We will introduce our previous result on this, and also would like to consider some relationship with the recent work by Buan and Marsh, which gives a construction of an integral pre-abelian category from a rigid object.
  • Demonet, Laurent
    Categorification of skew-symetrizable cluster algebras
    Categorification of skew-symetrizable cluster algebras: We introduce an abstract framework to categorify some antisymetrizable cluster algebras by using actions of finite groups on stably 2-Calabi-Yau exact categories. We introduce the notion of the equivariant category and, with similar technics as in [K], [CK], [GLS1], [GLS2], [DK], [FK], [P], we construct some examples of such categorifications. For example, if we let Z/2Z act on the category of representations of the preprojective algebra of type A2n-1 via the only non trivial action on the diagram, we obtain the cluster structure on the coordinate ring of the maximal unipotent subgroup of the semi-simple Lie group of type Bn [D]. We obtain also an interpretation of the MacKay correspondence in this setting: for a finite subgroup G of SL2(C) containing the central element, G/Z(G) acts on the category of representations of the preprojective algebra of the Kronecker quiver. We also prove by the same methods as in [FK] a conjecture of Fomin and Zelevinsky stating that the cluster monomials are linearly independent. In my first talk, I will develop the example of the cluster algebra of coordinates of the group
    (1010010001) and give an overview of its categorification by the module category of preprojective algebra of type A3. In the second talk, I will develop more theoritical results about skew-symmetrizable cases.

    [CK] P. Caldero, B. Keller, From triangulated categories to cluster algebras, Invent. Math. 172 (2008), no. 1, 169–211.
    [DK] R. Dehy, B. Keller, On the combinatorics of rigid objects in 2-Calabi-Yau categories, arXiv: 0709.0882.
    [D] L. Demonet, Cluster algebras and preprojective algebras: the non simply-laced case, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 346 (2008), 379–384.
    [FK] C. Fu, B. Keller, On cluster algebras with coefficients and 2-Calabi-Yau categories, arXiv: 0710.3152.
    [GLS1] C. Geiss, B. Leclerc, J. Schröer, Rigid modules over preprojective algebras, Invent. Math. 165 (2006), no. 3, 589–632.
    [GLS2] C. Geiss, B. Leclerc, J. Schröer, Cluster algebra structures and semicanoncial bases for unipotent groups, arXiv: math/0703039.
    [K] B. Keller, Categorification of acyclic cluster algebras: an introduction, arXiv: 0801.3103.
    [P] Y. Palu, Cluster characters for triangulated 2-Calabi–Yau categories, arXiv: math/0703540.

  • 伊山 修
    (1) Auslander correspondence and n-representation finite algebras
    (2) n-representation infinite algebras
    non-Dynkin型(無限表現型)の道多元環の高次元化であり、n有限表現型多元環の類似である「n無限表現型」多元環をOppermann, Herschendとの共同研究に従って導入する。これは近年、非可換代数幾何学において導入されたFano多元環の親戚である。
    (3) Higher preprojective algebras and quivers with potentials
  • 上山 健太
    AS-regular algebras and graded Morita equivalences
    AS-regular algebras introduced by Artin and Schelter are the most important class of algebras studied in noncommutative algebraic geometry since their noncommutative projective schemes introduced by Artin and Zhang are considered as quantum projective spaces. In fact, classification of AS-regular algebras is one of the major projects in noncommutative algebraic geometry. In this talk, we will first give an overview on AS-regular algebras. Then we will study when given AS-regular algebras are graded Morita equivalent, that is, they have equivalent graded module categories.
  • 源 泰幸
    Toward inter-relative development between NC projective geometry of AS regular algebras and representation theory of Fano algebras
    We will give some survey of Fano algebras and its relationship to AS regular algebras. Then we will discuss inter-relative development between NC projective geometry of AS regular algebras and representation theory of Fano algebras.
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