News & other information



  1. (27 Feb.) Our paper has been selected as a “Spotlight Article” by IEEE Journal of Microwaves.
  2. (25 Dec.) Our paper has been published in IEEE Journal of Microwaves.
  3. (16-20 Sept.) A. Ouchi and S. Tripathi attended JSAP conference (応用物理学会)  in Niigata. A. Ouchi presented our work on terahertz optical component development using helix array.
  4. (16- 20 Sept.) S. Tripathi chaired one of the sessions on Terahertz Technology at JSAP conference.
  5. (7-15 Sept.) S. Tripathi gave an invited talk at “International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-16)”


  1. (31 March): Saroj Tripathi completed one year of sabbatical leave. During this time, he worked at the Joint Attosecond Laboratory affiliated to University of Ottawa and National Research Council of Canada.
  2. (23 March): O. Gemma completed his Master of Engineering degree. Congratulations!
  3. (20 Feb): A paper on ellipticity enhancement of a terahertz circular polarizer has been published in IEEE Photonics Technology Letter.


  1. (23 March): The paper published in Optical Materials Express has been selected as “Editor’s Pick”. Also as a cover page of Vol. 13, Issue 4 of the Opt. Mat.Exp.
  2. (23 March): K. Hashimoto received a Miura Award (三浦賞) from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. CONGRATULATIONS!
  3. (23 March): K Hashimoto, H. Ichikawa, and K. Yamamura completed their Master of Engineering degree. S. Ando and M. Hayasaki completed their Bachelor of Engineering degree. CONGRATULATIONS!
  4. (10 March): Hiroya Ichikawa’s paper has been published in Optical Materials Express.
  5. (16-18 Nov.): K. Yamamura, H. Ichikawa, and K. Hashimoto presented their work at FTT 2022 symposium, Fukui.
  6. (8 November): Kotaro Yamamura won the best poster award at JSIR (日本赤外線学会) conference. CONGRATULATIONS!
  7. 7- 8 November: K. Hashimoto, H. Ichikawa, and K. Yamamura presented their latest results in JSIR conference.
  8. (5 Sept). T. Kawauchi’s (co-first authorship) paper has been published in Scientific Reports. He finished his Master’s course this year in March and now working in a company.
  9. (5 Aug). One more paper by K. Hashimoto (M2 student) has been published in Biomedical Optics Express.
  10. (3 Mar.). A paper by K. Hashimoto (M1 student) has been published.
  11. (1 Mar.)  K. Yamamura and H. Ichikawa presented their research work at The 8th International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University (ISFAR-SU 2022) (ISFAR-SU 2012).


  1. (21 Oct ) K. Hashimoto presented his study ( 汗液のテラヘルツ分光)at 日本赤外線学会
  2. (21 Oct)  H. Ichikawa presented his study (円偏光を用いたテラヘルツ分光) at 日本赤外線学会
  3. (20 Oct ) K. Hashimoto presented his study (THz characterization of human skin) at the Interacademia conference.
  4. (20 Oct) T. Kawauchi presented his poster (THz wave generation using DAST crystal) at the Interacademia conference.
  5. (30 Sept.) S. Tripathi delivered an invited talk at the “International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-13)”
  6. (30 Sept.) S. Tripathi gave an invited lecture at “Autumn School on Physics of Advanced Materials (PAMS-4)”
  7. (2 Sept. ) K. Hashimoto presented his work (THz dielectric properties of human sweat) at the IRMMW-THz conference.


  • Our paper has been selected as “Spotlight Article” by IEEE Journal of Microwaves.

  • Kotaro Yamamura won the best poster award at the conference organized by the Japan Society of Infrared Science and Technology.


  • Highlighted by Optics Express as a cover movie  Link🔗
  • Selected as a cover page of Vol. 13, Issue 4 of the Optical Materials Express. Link


  • Highlighted by Nature Asia Link🔗

  • Highlighted by Scientific Reports as “What resonates with your skin” Link🔗

  •  our research has been highlighted by AzoOptics. Link🔗

Our research has been supported by the following funding agencies: