- (27 Feb.) Our paper has been selected as a “Spotlight Article” by IEEE Journal of Microwaves.
- (25 Dec.) Our paper has been published in IEEE Journal of Microwaves.
- (16-20 Sept.) A. Ouchi and S. Tripathi attended JSAP conference (応用物理学会) in Niigata. A. Ouchi presented our work on terahertz optical component development using helix array.
- (16- 20 Sept.) S. Tripathi chaired one of the sessions on Terahertz Technology at JSAP conference.
- (7-15 Sept.) S. Tripathi gave an invited talk at “International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-16)”
- (31 March): Saroj Tripathi completed one year of sabbatical leave. During this time, he worked at the Joint Attosecond Laboratory affiliated to University of Ottawa and National Research Council of Canada.
- (23 March): O. Gemma completed his Master of Engineering degree. Congratulations!
- (20 Feb): A paper on ellipticity enhancement of a terahertz circular polarizer has been published in IEEE Photonics Technology Letter.
- (23 March): The paper published in Optical Materials Express has been selected as “Editor’s Pick”. Also as a cover page of Vol. 13, Issue 4 of the Opt. Mat.Exp.
- (23 March): K. Hashimoto received a Miura Award (三浦賞) from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. CONGRATULATIONS!
- (23 March): K Hashimoto, H. Ichikawa, and K. Yamamura completed their Master of Engineering degree. S. Ando and M. Hayasaki completed their Bachelor of Engineering degree. CONGRATULATIONS!
- (10 March): Hiroya Ichikawa’s paper has been published in Optical Materials Express.
- (16-18 Nov.): K. Yamamura, H. Ichikawa, and K. Hashimoto presented their work at FTT 2022 symposium, Fukui.
- (8 November): Kotaro Yamamura won the best poster award at JSIR (日本赤外線学会) conference. CONGRATULATIONS!
- 7- 8 November: K. Hashimoto, H. Ichikawa, and K. Yamamura presented their latest results in JSIR conference.
- (5 Sept). T. Kawauchi’s (co-first authorship) paper has been published in Scientific Reports. He finished his Master’s course this year in March and now working in a company.
- (5 Aug). One more paper by K. Hashimoto (M2 student) has been published in Biomedical Optics Express.
- (3 Mar.). A paper by K. Hashimoto (M1 student) has been published.
- (1 Mar.) K. Yamamura and H. Ichikawa presented their research work at The 8th International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University (ISFAR-SU 2022) (ISFAR-SU 2012).
- (21 Oct ) K. Hashimoto presented his study ( 汗液のテラヘルツ分光)at 日本赤外線学会
- (21 Oct) H. Ichikawa presented his study (円偏光を用いたテラヘルツ分光) at 日本赤外線学会
- (20 Oct ) K. Hashimoto presented his study (THz characterization of human skin) at the Interacademia conference.
- (20 Oct) T. Kawauchi presented his poster (THz wave generation using DAST crystal) at the Interacademia conference.
- (30 Sept.) S. Tripathi delivered an invited talk at the “International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-13)”
- (30 Sept.) S. Tripathi gave an invited lecture at “Autumn School on Physics of Advanced Materials (PAMS-4)”
- (2 Sept. ) K. Hashimoto presented his work (THz dielectric properties of human sweat) at the IRMMW-THz conference.
Our research has been supported by the following funding agencies: