


Hashimoto, A., Okuda, N., Inagaki, H., and Kato, N. H. 2022. Growth Inhibitory Activity of Pruning Branch Wastes from Kiwifruit Cultivation on Three Weed Species. Environ. Control Biol., 60 (1), 79-83. DOI: 10.2525/ecb.60.79

Inagaki, H., Saruta Y., and Yoto, D. 2022. Effects of different undergrowth vegetations on the types and densities of functional ground-dwelling arthropods in citrus orchards. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 37(1), 62-70. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/carakatani.v37i1.56991)

Inagaki, H. and Kishiyama, K. 2022. Effect of seed mucilage on the germination of Plantago asiatica and Plantago lanceolata under salt stress conditions. Annals of Plant Sciences 11(2), 4730-4736 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21746/aps.2022.11.2.2)

Inagaki, H. and Isobe, H. 2022. Mucilage of catchfly (Silene armeria) possibly attracts pollinators. Journal of Plant Sciences. 17, (3): 112-118. (10.3923/jps.2022.112.118)

稲垣栄洋・小林陽平.2022.刈取り回数の違いがヨシススキとススキの種間競合の優位性に及ぼす影響.日本緑化工学会誌46, 111-114.

横山裕一・稲垣栄洋.2022.刈取り時期と刈取り高の違いがイタドリ(Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decr. var. japonica)の成長に及ぼす影響.日本緑化工学会誌46, 115-118.

横山裕一・稲垣栄洋.2022.刈取りがイタドリ(Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decr.var.japonica)の生産構造に及ぼす影響.日本緑化工学会誌46, 119-122.

Inagaki, H., Unno, and N., Sakakibara, T. 2022. Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of Epizoochorys Microstructures Resembling an origami crane on the Seed Surface of Desmodium paniculatum. Annals of Plant Sciences 11(8), 5290-5292. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21746/aps.2022.11.8.4)

Inagaki, H., and Isobe, H. 2022. Seasonal Changes in Flower Characteristics of Oenothera aciniata Naturalized in Japan. Annals of Plant Sciences.11.09. 5349-5357. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21746/aps.2022.11.9.)

Inagaki H. and Ishiwata K. 2022. Occurrence of Japanese yam (Dioscorea japonica) as vine weed in tea gardens. International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 6: 15-19. (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7109979)

Inagaki, H., and Ishiwata, K. 2022. Effects of time and weeding method on the regeneration and growth of Japanese yam (Dioscorea japonica) vines and tubers in tea gardens. International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences, 11: 168-171. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.47278/journal.ijab/2022.023)

Inagaki, H., and Ishiwata, K. 2022. Effects of Shade Treatments on Vine Growth and Production of Tubers and Propagules of Japanese Yam (Dioscorea Japonica) in Tea Gardens. International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 6: 15-22. (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7421535)

Inagaki, H., and Ishiwata, K. 2022. Vine length determines the propagation strategy of Japanese yam (Dioscorea japonica) in tea gardens. International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences, 11. 208-211. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.47278/journal.ijab/2022.028)



Inagaki, H. and Kinoshita, T. 2021. Seasonal Change in the Germination of Heteromorphic Achenes of Bidens pilosa. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 5 (1), 91-96 (DOI: 10.26855/ijfsa.2021.03.013)

Inagaki H. 2021.Citizen participation in conservation activities enhances plant biodiversity in rice terraces: a case study in Sengamachi-no-Tanada, Kikugawa, Japan. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 5(2), 228-232.(DOI: 10.26855/ijfsa)

Inagaki H., Unno, N., Sakakibara T., Kubota S., and Hasegawa K..2021. Effect of Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) mulching on continuous potato cropping. Modern evaluation of traditional Japanese knotweed-mulch farming in Nishi-Awa Steep Slope Land Agriculture System, Japan. J. Resour. Ecol. 12(2): 259-264. (DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2021.02.011 www.jorae.cn)

Inagaki H., Kubota S., Hasegawa K., Unno N., Usui Y., and Takikawa Y. 2021. Suppressive Effects of Traditional Mulching Using Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica) on Solanaceae Crop Diseases. J. Resour. Ecol. 12(6): 869-875 (DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2021.06.014)

Ichihara, M., Maruyama, K., Yamashita, M., Sawada, H., Inagaki, H., and Asai, M. 2021. Quantifying the ecosystem service of non-native weed seed predation in traditional terraced paddy fields. Weed Biology and Management. 21, 181-190. (DOI: org/10.1111/wbm.12238)

Inagaki, H. and Noyori, Y. 2021. Evaluation of Water Purification from Nitrogen and Phosphorus through Scirpus tabernaemontani Cultivated in Hamamatsu Area, Japan. Annals of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 5, 1-4. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.22259/2637-5338.050100)

nagaki, H., Saruta, Y., and Yoto, D. 2021, Effect of traditional rice-straw mulch on the functional biodiversity of ground-dwelling arthropods in tea gardens. International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. 6(5),41-50.(ISSN (2522-6584)).



Inagaki, Hidehiro, Saiki, Chieko, Ichihara, Minoru, Matsuno Kazuo, Tanno, Yuuki, Yamashita, Masayuki and Sawada, Hitoshi. 2020. Effect of Mowing Height on Dominance of Annual Poaceae Plants. Journal of Ecological Engineering. 21(1):8-13(DOI: 10.12911/22998993/113627)

Inagaki, H., Usui, Y., Tominaga, A., and Kato K. 2020. Induction of systemic acquired resistance by extract of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris), aparasitic weed. Academic Journal of Agricultural Research. 8(3), 082-086. (DOI: 10.15413/ajar.2019.160)

稲垣栄洋・津司 将.2020.茶園に自生するコハコベのカテキンおよびカフェイン感受性の種内変異.雑草研究65(1),5-8. (DOI:.org/10.3719/weed.65.5)

稲垣栄洋.2020.静岡県浜松市に見られるフトイの伝統栽培.雑草研究65(1),9-11. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3719/weed.65.9 )

稲垣栄洋・岩本百合香・世登大輝・海野菜歩子・西川浩二・成瀬和子・櫻川智史・田中伸佳・藤浪健二郎・前田研司・水谷久美子・水谷和敬・中村大介・垣見茉佑.2020.キウイフルーツ剪定枝および造園残渣をペレット化した雑草抑制資材の検討.日本緑化工学会誌46, 83-86. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.7211/jjsrt.46.83)

Inagaki, H., Usui, Y., and Tominaga, A. 2020. Systemic acquired resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana induced by weed extracts. Academic Journal of Agricultural Research. (DOI: 10.15413/ajar.2020.114.)

Inagaki, H., Nakatani, S., and Saruta Y. 2020. Possibility of a chemical floral filter in Sisyrinchium rosulatum to Syrphinae hoverflies. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 4(4). 379-382 (DOI: 10.26855/ijfsa.2020.12.003)

Inagaki H., and Sakakibara, T. 2020. Effect of Physical Treatments on the Promotion of Seed Germination in Green and Giant Foxtails. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences. 15(1), 138-143. (DOI: 10.3844/ajabssp.2020.138.143)

Inagaki H., and Tsushi, M.. 2020. Intraspecific variation in Sonchus oleraceus, a biennial weed species, inside and outside of tea gardens. Annals of Ecology and Environmental Science.4 (3), 26-30. (ISSN 2637-5338)



稲垣栄洋・長谷川佳菜・窪田早希子・西川浩二・成瀬和子.2019.イタドリ(Fallopia japonica)の表層施用がナス栽培に及ぼす影響.日本有機農業学会誌11(1),32-37.

稲垣栄洋・藤岡伸吾・小笠原勝.2019.セダム属植物と焼成焼却灰を組み合わせた雑草防除法の検討.日本緑化工学会誌45(1), 145-148.

稲垣栄洋・徳田有美・石関真衣・西川浩二.2019.緑化用植物としての秋型そばの春播き栽培による雑草抑制.日本緑化工学会誌45(1), 149-152.

Inagaki, Hidehiro and Kusumoto, Yoshinobu. 2019. Traditional Tea-grass Integrated System in Shizuoka as a GIAHS Site: Values and Conservation-Background of Application and Efforts after Registration. J. Resour. Ecol. 10(5): 511-517. (DOI: doi.org/10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2019.05.006)