/ 9月 3, 2024/ Event

After several days of interactions and ToF-SIMS measurements on our samples with Dr. Michele Perego (CNR-IMM) and Dr. Silvia Vangelista (ST Microelectronics), various collaboration ideas could be developed, with a better understanding also about the excellent research and production facilities available at ST Microelectronics and CNR Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM), in Agrate Brianza.

Daniel Moraru also delivered a Distinguished Lecture in front of a wide ST Microelectronics / CNR-IMM audience, on-site and online, on the topic:
“Doped thin Si layers for single-electron tunneling devices”.


Many thanks to Dr. Michele Perego and Dr. Silvia Vangelista, as well as the other colleagues, for supporting this activity for our team (including students) and for the invitation to give a talk in such an active environment.

Looking forward to next projects together.

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