
  • タンパク質の品質管理とストレス応答


    1. 熱ショック応答の解析

    2. ユビキチンのホメオスタシスとストレス応答
    最近の研究によって、ユビキチンの量は、細胞の環境や状態に応じて変化し、適切な量で存在しなければならないことがわかってきた(ユビキチンホメオスタシス)。 現在までにRfu1とよばれる分子が調節機構の一つに関与することを明らかにしてきた。Rfu1の研究を含め、ユビキチンホメオスタシスの全容を解明することを目的としている。

    3. ユビキチン関連シャペロンVCP/Cdc48の機能解析
     VCP/Cdc48は、真核生物で保存された構造をもつAAA+ super familyに属する分子シャペロンである。多彩な機能を担い、ユビキチン・プロテアソームによるタンパク質分解をはじめとして、小胞体、ゴルジ体膜の再構築、細胞内輸送、オートファジ―などにおいても機能しているが、ユビキチンと関連が深い。また、VCPは、神経変性疾患であるIBMPFD(骨パジェット病と前側頭葉型痴呆を伴う遺伝性封入体筋炎)と、家族性ALSの原因遺伝子の一つとして同定されている。酵母を用いてVCP/Cdc48の機能解析を進め、VCP/Cdc48の新たな機能を探索すると共に、VCPの異常による上記の疾患の発症機構の解明を目指している。

  • Protein Quality Control and Stress Response

    Proteins play central roles in cellular processes, and cells are equipped with quality control mechanisms to ensure they function properly. There are mainly two kinds of protein quality control systems in a cell: a molecular chaperone system which helps proteins fold correctly, and a degradation system which facilitates protein disposal. When quality control mechanisms fail, cells become susceptible to various stresses, and diseases such as neurodegenerative disorders result. In our laboratory, we are investigating mechanisms of protein quality control during cellular stress. We use budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae since it provides an advantageous experimental system for elucidating molecular mechanisms due to the ease of genetic manipulation.

    1 Analysis of heat shock response
    Organisms try to survive in various stressful environments. For example, when exposed to high temperatures they increase the expression of various molecular chaperone and ubiquitin proteins to protect or maintain proteins from unfolding, or target unfolded proteins for degradation. In our laboratory, we are investigating molecular mechanisms of chronic heat stress. We analyze proteins which are specifically induced by the chronic stress, and investigate the role of ubiquitination in these processes. In the future, we hope to understand how organisms respond against global warming at the molecular level.

    2 Ubiquitin homeostasis and stress response
    Within a cell, the ‘ubiquitin homeostasis’ process functions to tightly regulate ubiquitin levels through several different ways. This is necessary because ubiquitin is an orchestrator of a remarkable array of cellular tasks. For example, when this tiny protein “tag” is attached to a target the resultant complex is earmarked for degradation in the proteasome. Alternatively, the complex may be transported to a specific cellular compartment such as the plasma membrane or endosome. A large amount of ubiquitin is required to enable normal protein quality control. Ubiquitin is encoded by several genes, and is also directly recycled by the cell, but interestingly, it is not in excess. We have discovered that one additional way in which ubiquitin levels are regulated is through the balanced activity of a de-ubiquitinating enzyme and an inhibitor. We are working to understand and elucidate additional ubiquitin homeostasis mechanisms.

    3 Analysis of ubiquitin-related chaperone VCP/Cdc48
    VCP/Cdc48 is a member of the AAA + (ATPase associated with diverse cellular activities) family of proteins. Within the cell, VCP/Cdc48 is abundant and ubiquitously distributed. VCP/Cdc48 participates in diverse cellular activities, including ubiquitin-proteasome-mediated protein degradation, fusions to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi membranes, autophagy, and endolysosomal sorting. There are many different single amino acid-substitutions in VCP that have been reported to cause Inclusion Body Myopathy associated with Paget Disease of bone and Frontotemporal Dementia (IBMPFD), an autosomal dominant inherited human disease, and familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). To understand how these mutant proteins cause disease such as IBMPFD and ALS, we express human pathogenic VCP variants in yeast and observe resultant cellular effects. In addition, we are conducting genetic suppressor and enhancer screens to look for modifiers of VCP/Cdc48 function.