

  • Gang Ma. Regulatory mechanism of anthocyanin accumulation in blood orange fruit. The 21st National Conference in Postharvest Technology, タイ(Bangkok)(2024年7月)招待講演
  • Zhiwei Deng, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Nichapat Keawmanee, Fumitaka Takishita, Keisuke Nonaka, Masaya Kato. Polyethylene bag mitigates juice sacs granulation of ‘Harumi’ fruit by inhibiting carotenoid degradation and lignin accumulation during storage. The 21st National Conference in Postharvest Technology, タイ(Bangkok)(2024年7月)優秀発表賞
  • Maya Imamura, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Masaya Kato. Effect of bagging treatment on carotenoids and chlorophyll accumulation in citrus fruit on the tree. The 21st National Conference in Postharvest Technology, タイ(Bangkok)(2024年7月)優秀発表賞
  • Yui Shichi, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Masaya Kato. Elucidation of the mechanism of unequal accumulation of anthocyanins in blood orange juice sacs. The 21st National Conference in Postharvest Technology, タイ(Bangkok)(2024年7月)
  • Nichapat Keawmanee, On Ngoc Thuy Ha, Kohei Nakano, Masaya Kato, Apiradee Uthairatanakij, Pongphen Jitareerat. Influence of plant hormones on color and quality in pineapple fruit cv. Pattavia during storage. The 21st National Conference in Postharvest Technology, タイ(Bangkok)(2024年7月)


  • Zhiwei Deng, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Daiki Kurata, Keisuke Nonaka, Fumitaka Takishita, Masaya Kato. Changes in carotenoid accumulation and the expression of carotenoid metabolic genes during the granulation process in different sizes of ‘Harumi’ fruit. The 4th Asian Horticultural Congress (AHC2023) P1-94日本(東京)(2023年8月) 査読有
  • Masato Ikeya, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Masaya Kato. Effect of methyl jasmonate on the coloration of Satsuma mandarin fruit. The 4th Asian Horticultural Congress (AHC2023) P1-95日本(東京)(2023年8月) 査読有
  • Mika Kato, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Masaya Kato. Accumulation of 9-cis-Violaxanthin esters and expression of xanthophyll esterase genes in Valencia orange during the regreening process. The 4th Asian Horticultural Congress (AHC2023) P1-96日本(東京)(2023年8月) 査読有
  • Saki Mitsukawa, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Masaya Kato. Accumulation of flavonoid and expression of flavonoid biosynthetic genes in citrus fruit during maturation. The 4th Asian Horticultural Congress (AHC2023) P1-97日本(東京)(2023年8月) 査読有
  • Chisato Torimoto, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Masaya Kato. Isolation and expression analysis of two novel chalcone synthase genes in different varieties of citrus fruit during maturation. The 4th Asian Horticultural Congress (AHC2023) P1-98日本(東京)(2023年8月) 査読有
  • Nichapat Keawmanee, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Fumitaka Takishita, Masaya Kato. Effect of fruit bagging on chlorophyll and carotenoid accumulation in flavedo of Valencia orange during regreening. The 4th Asian Horticultural Congress (AHC2023) P2-14 日本(東京)(2023年8月) 査読有


  • Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Jun Takeuchi, Yasushi Todoroki, Masaya Kato. Effect of a novel ABA receptor antagonist 3′-hexylsulfanyl-ABA (AS6) on ascorbate metabolism in postharvest broccoli. V Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems (ISHS) タイ(バンコク)(2021年12月)査読有
  • Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Kazuki Yamawaki, Takehiko Shimada, Hiroshi Fujii, Tomoko Endo, Masaya Kato. Microarray analysis of carotenoid and chlorophyll biosynthetic gene expression in the citrus juice sacs irradiated with blue light. IX International Symposium on Light in Horticulture (ISHS) (2021年5月31日) 査読有
  • Akari Nakata, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Masaya Kato. Effect of blue LED light irradiation on flavonoid accumulation in the flavedo of Valencia orange in vitro. V Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems (ISHS) タイ(バンコク)(2021年12月)査読有
  • Miki Kato, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Masaya Kato. Accumulation of β-citraurin and expression of carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase4 gene in citrus fruit during maturation. V Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems (ISHS) タイ(バンコク)(2021年12月)査読有
  • Haruna Mochizuki, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Masaya Kato. Effect of blue LED light irradiation on chlorophyll metabolism in the flavedo of Valencia orange in vitro. V Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems (ISHS) タイ(バンコク)(2021年12月)査読有
  • Nichapat Keawmanee, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Masaya Kato. Characterization of Pigments Accumulation in Valencia Orange During Regreening. V Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems (ISHS) タイ(バンコク)(2021年12月)査読有
  • Masashi Yamamoto, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Terutaka Yoshioka, Masaya Kato. Characterization of β-cryptoxanthin esters accumulation and carotenoid biosynthetic genes expression during citrus fruit maturation. V Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems (ISHS) タイ(バンコク)(2021年12月)査読有
  • Nami Kojima, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Terutaka Yoshioka, Masaya Kato. Effect of low temperature and ABA on anthocyanin accumulation in the juice sacs of blood orange in vitro. V Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems (ISHS) タイ(バンコク)(2021年12月)査読有
  • Kenta Nomura, Hayato Inaba, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Hikaru Matsumoto, Masaya Kato. Effects of phytohormones on coloration of Satsuma mandarin fruit during long-term storage. V Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems (ISHS) タイ(バンコク)(2021年12月)査読有
  • Kan Murakami, Gang Ma, Lancui Zhang, Masaki Yahata, Hikaru Matsumoto, Masaya Kato. Effects of auxin and 1-MCP on carotenoid and chlorophyll metabolisms in postharvest Satsuma Mandarin fruit. V Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems (ISHS) タイ(バンコク)(2021年12月)査読有