Field_Mt. Fuji


Western / Southern / South-eastern / Eastern

<Western foot>

W1: Jinba-no-taki

W3: Yoshima

W4: Wakutama

W6: Shibakawa spring

Table. Physico chemical parameters and number of prokaryote at the western foot of Mt. Fuji.

Southern foot

S1: Iouji

S2: I_tei

S3: Sugita Fudouson

S4: Sugita mizunobiba

S6: Tenma tenmangu

S9: Izurimizu_spring

S10: Izurimizu_river

S11: H_tei

S12: F_tei

Table. Physico-chemical parameters and number of prokaryote at the southern foot of Mt. Fuji.

Western / Southern / South-eastern / Eastern

<South-eastern foot>

SE1: Tomizawa

SE4: Tamuki

SE5: Nakashimizu

SE6: Kakitagawa_Spring_1



Table. Physico-chemical parameters and number of prokaryote at the south-eastern foot of Mt. Fuji.

Western / Southern / South-eastern / Eastern

<Eastern foot>

E1:Sugawa spring

E2: Tarobo

E3: Mishuku


Table. Physico-chemical parameters and number of prokaryote at the eastern foot of Mt. Fuji.

Western / Southern / South-eastern / Eastern