Kenji Kato, Professor Emeritus

Kenji Kato, 
Microbial Ecology, Geomicrobiology

Prof.emeritus and Guest Professor at Shizuoka University
Guest Prof. at The Open University of Japan

836 Ohya, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka 422-8529, Japan
Phone : +81-54-238-4950 / Fax : +81-54-238-4950
E-mail : kato.kenji[at]
[at]: @

Degree : Dr. Sc., Ecology and Limnology, Nagoya University, 1984
School of Allied Medidcal Science Shishu University, Instructor (October 1984-March 1988)
School of Allied Medidcal Science Shishu University, Assistant Professor (April 1988-March 1996)
School of Allied Medidcal Science Shishu University, Professor (April 1996-March 2001)
Department of Geosciences, Graduate school of Science, Shizuoka University, Professor (April 2001-2017)
Shizuoka University, Board of the Univeristy (April 2004-2012)
Shizuoka University, Director of the Univesity Library (April 2007-2013)
Director of the University Library and Board Member of the University (2007-2008)
Distinguished Professor at Shizuoka Univ.(2011-)

Research Interests 
Microbial ecological considering why they are there and how many are they there and why are the centered questions for my research on microbes/or living existence on and in the Earth. Hot spring, marine system and subsurface are the exciting environments to study sites. Microbial function in forest ecosystem and soil formation which leads us to consider life in Mars are fascinating topics being attacked in our laboratory, too.

Major Academic Activity
・Member of the Board of Japan Science Council, Ecology and Environmental Biology (1994-1997)
・Microbes and Environments, Editor-in-chief (2001-2002)
・President of the Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology (2005-2006, 2007-2008)
・IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program), International Committee (2001-2004)
・IODP, National Committee (2001-2005)
・ISSM (International Symposium for Subsurface Microbiology), Chairman (2008)
・Geomicrobiology Journal (Taylor & Francis Co. Ltd., U.S.), Associate Editor, (2000-present)
・IODP SASEC(Science Advisory Structure Executive Committee)(2009~2012)
・President of ISSM (2011~2014)

Fellowship and Honor
・Inamori Science Foundation(1991)
・Deutsche Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Fellow (1981-1982, Konstanz University)
・Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship (1982)
・JSME PRIZE 2009 for the best publication(2009)

Selected Papers and Recent Activities

  1. Vertical distribution of carbohydrate utilizing bacteria in Lake Kizaki. Kato, K. and M. Sakamoto, Jpn.J.Limnol. 40:154-159 (1978).
  2. Vertical distribution of free-living and attached heterotrophic bacteria in Lake Kizaki., Kato, K. and M. Sakamoto, Jpn.J.Limnol. 42:211-214 (1981).
  3. Organic matter metabolism of free-living heterotrophic bacteria in Lake Kizaki, Japan. Kato, K. and M. Sakamoto, Verh.Internat.Verein.Limnol. 21:619-623 (1981).
  4. Diurnal change of 14C-glucose uptake by epilimnetic microbes in Lake Kizaki. Kato, K. and M. Sakamoto, Jpn.J.Limnol. 42:250-253(1981).
  5. The function of free-living bacterial fraction in the organic matter metabolism of a mesotrophic lake. Kato, K. and M. Sakamoto, Arch. Hydrobiol. 97:289-302 (1983).
  6. Functional difference in the utilization of phytoplankton cell materials and dissolved organic compounds in free-living and particulate-associated bacteria in an aquatic system. Kato, K., Arch. Hydrobiol. 100:521-532 (1984).
  7. Studies on carbon flux from phyto- to bacterio plankton communities in Lake Constance. Kato, K. and H.-H. Stabel, Arch. Hydrobiol. 102:177-192 (1984).
  8. Heterotrophic activity, substarte active bacteria and specific Vmax for DOC. Kato, K., Arch. Hydrobiol Ergebn.Limnol. 19:7-13 (1984).
  9. Seasonal observation of heterotrophic activity and active bacterial number in Lake Constance. Kato, K., Arch.Hydrobiol.Suppl. 66:309-319 (1985).
  10. A concept on the structure and function of bacterial community in aquatic ecosystems. Kato, K., Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 22:2739-2743 (1985).
  11. Lake Suwa-eutrophication and its partial recent recovery. Okino, T. and Kato, K., GeoJournal, 14:373-375 (1987).
  12. Extracellular products of Microcystis species;Formation of slime layer and DOC pool in surround waters. Amemiya, Y., Kato, K. and Nakayam, O., Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 23:1886-1892 (1988).
  13. Direct observation of bacterial attachment to immersed glass slide under epifluorescence microscopy. Kato, K., Oh, S. and Okino, T., Jpn. J. Limnol., 49: 129-134 (1988).
  14. Intercalibration of the acridine orange direct count method of aquatic bacteria. Nagata,T…and Kato, K., Bull. Jpn. Soc. Microb. Ecol., 4:89-99 (1989).
  15. Carbon flux from phytoplankton to free-living bacterial DNA. Kato, K., Arch. Hydrobiol. Ergebn. Limnol., 34:49-52 (1990).
  16. Changes in the chemical composition of carbohydrates and proteins in surface water during a bloom of Microcystis in Lake Suwa. Amemiya, Y., Kato, K., Okino, T. and Nakayama, O., Ecol. Res., 5:153-162 (1990).
  17. Benthic oxygen consumption in Lake Suwa. Takada, K. and Kato, K., Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 24:1091-1094 (1991).
  18. DNA-DNA hybridization and DNA base composition for the analysis of bacterial flora in aquatic environment. Yamamoto, H., Ezaki, T. and Kato, K., Bull. Jpn. Soc. Microb. Ecol., 6:79-85 (1991).
  19. Environmental parameters and estivation of Rhyacodrilus (Tubificidae, Oligochaeta) in Lake Suwa. Takada, K., Kato, K. and Okino, T., Ecography, 15:328-333 (1992). Impact factor2014=4.774 (Citation Nr.: 4 by 2016.4.22)
  20. Enclosure experiment on the control mechanism of planktonic bacterial standing stock. Kato, K., Oh, S., Yamamoto, H., Hanazato, H. and Takahashi, M., Ecol. Res. 7:267-276 (1992). Impact factor2014=1.296 (Citation Nr.: 2 by 2016.4.22)
  21. Image analysis of feeding activity of aquatic oligochaetes using fluorescent latex beads. Takada, K., Kato, K. and Okino, T., Verh.Internat. Verein.Limnol. 25:236-240 (1994). (Citation Nr.: 6 by 2013.4.16)
  22. Bacteria as diet for the mosquito larvae Aedes (Stegomyia), (Diptera: Culicidae) : Preliminary experiments with Pseudomonas fluorescens. Sota, T. and Kato, K., Applied Entomology and Zoology, 29:598-600 (1994) Impact factor2014=1.144 (Citation Nr.: 6 by 2016.4.22)
  23. Planktonic bacterial DNA and RNA synthesis from algal extracellular products in a eutrophic lake. Kato, K., FEMS Microbiology Ecology 15:291-298 (1994). Impact factor2014=3.568 (Citation Nr.: 9 by 2016.4.22)
  24. Free-living and aggregated bacteria as diet for mosquito larvae: an experiment with Aedes (Stegomyia) and Pseudomonas. Sota, T. and Kato, K., Appl. Entomol. Zool. 29:598-600 (1994) Impact factor2014=1.144
  25. Phage-like particles released by a marine bacterium.Chiura, H., Kato, K. and Takagi, J. Wiener Mitteilungen Wasser Abwasser Gewasser, 128:149-157(1995).
  26. Development of Eodiaptomus japonicus Burckhardt (Copepoda, Calanoida) reared on different sized fractions of natural plankton assemblage. Toth, L.G. and Kato, K., J. Plankton Research, 18:819-834(1996). Impact factor2014=2.407 (Citation Nr.: 6 by 2016.4.22)
  27. Bacteria – a link among ecosystem constituents. Kato, K., Res. Pop. Ecol., 38: 185-190 (1996). (Citation Nr.: 4 by 2016.4.22)
  28. Size selective grazing of bacteria by Bosmina longirostris – an image analysis study. Toth L.G. and Kato, K., J. Plankton Research, 19:1477-1493 (1997). Impact factor2014=2.407 (Citation Nr.: 9 by 2013.4.16)
  29. Local and regional-scale food web structure in Nepenthes alta pitchers. Sota, T., Mogi, M., and Kato, K., BIOTROPICA30:82-91(1998)
  30. Phylogenetic evidence for the existence of novel thermophilic bacteria in hot spring sulfur-turf microbial mats in Japan. H. Yamamoto, A. Hiraishi, K. Kato, H. Chiura, Y. Maki and A. Shimizu, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 64:1680-1687 (1998). Impact factor2014=3.668
  31. Changes in quinone profiles of hot spring microbial mats with a thermal gradient. A. Hiraishi, T. Umezawa, H. Yamamoto, K. Kato and Y. Maki, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 65:198-205 (1999). Impact factor2014=3.668 (Citation Nr.: 43 by 2016.4.22)
  32. An insight into bacterial population dynamics using image analysis -a diurnal study in L.Soyang, Korea. Choi, S., Ahn, T., and Kato, K., Archiv. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issue, 54:283-295 (1999).
  33. A new structural type of methionaquinones isolated from hot spring sulfur-turf bacterial mats. Hiraishi, A., Yamamoto, H., Kato, K. and Maki, Y., J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 45:39-41 (1999). Impact factor2014=0.943 (Citation Nr.: 3 by 2016.4.22)
  34. Quinone profiles in lake sediments: Implication for microbial diversity and community structures. Hiraishi, A. and Kato, K., J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 45:221-227 (1999). Impact factor2014=0.943 (Citation Nr.: 10 by 2016.4.22)
  35. Contribution of free-living and attached bacteria to denitrification in the hypolimnion of a mesotrophic lake. D.S. Abe and K. Kato, Microbes and Environments, 15:93-101(2000). Impact factor2014=2.231
  36. Occurrence of quaternary branched penta-amine in a novel large sausage-shaped sulfide-oxidizing thermal bacterium. Hamana K. and Kato, K., J. Gen. Microbiol., 16:179-182(2000) (Citation Nr.: 3 by 2013.4.16)
  37. Degradation of the cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin by a new bacterium isolated from a hypertrophic lake. H-D. Park, Y. Sasaki, T. Maruyama, E. Yanagisawa, A. Hiraishi and K. Kato, Environmental Toxicology, 16: 337-343 (2001). Impact factor2014=3.197,
  38. Virus-Like Particle derived from a Bacterium belonging to the Oldest Lineage of the Domain Bacteria. Hiroshi Xavier Chiura, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Daisuke Koketsu1, Hiroki Naito and Kenji Kato, Microbes and Environments, 17:48-52 (2002) Impact factor2014=2.231
  39. Phylogenetic chracterization and biomass estimation of bacterial endosymbionts associated with invertebrates dwelling in chemosynthetic communities of hydrothermal vent and cold seep fields. Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Katsunori Fujikura, Akira Hiraishi, Kenji Kato and Yunosuke Maki. Mar. Ecol.Prog.Ser., 245:61-67 (2002) Impact factor2011=2.711 (Citation Nr.: 4 by 2013.4.16)
  40. Significance of lipoquinones as quantitative biomarkers of bacterial populations in the environment. Hiraishi, Mitsuru Iwasaki, Tomoki Kawagishi, Naoko Yoshida, Takashi Narihiro and Kenji Kato, Microbes and Environments, 18: 89-93 (2003) Impact factor2014=2.231
  41. Dynamics of microcystin-degrading bacteria in mucilage of Microcystis. T. Maruyama, K. Kato, A. Yokoyama, T. Tanaka, A. Hiraishi, H-D. Park, Microbial Ecology, 46,279-288 (2003). Impact factor2014=2.973, (Citation Nr.: 56 by 2018.6.4)
  42. Microbial mat boundaries between chemolithotrophs and phototrophs in geothermal hot spring effluents. K. Kato, T. Kobayashi, H. Yamamoto, T. Nakagawa, Y. Maki and T. Hoaki, Geomicrobiol. J., 21:91-98 (2004). Impact factor2014= 1.440 (Citation Nr.: 13 by 2016.4.22)
  43. Population dynamics of free-living bacteria related to microcystin-degrading strain Y2 in Lake Suwa and in microcystin amended enrichment. Tomoko Maruyama, Kenji Kato, Park Hordon, Microbes and Environments, 19:137-146 (2004). Impact factor2014=2.231
  44. Adsorption of rare earth elements onto bacterial cell walls and its implication for REE sorption onto natural microbial mats. Toshio Takahashi, X.Chatellier,Keiko .Hattori,Kenji Kato and Danielle Fortin, Chemical Geology, 219:53-67(2005). Impact factor2014=3.524
  45. Microbial community in a geothermal aquifer associated with the subsurface of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. H. Kimura, M. Sugihara, H. Yamamoto, Bharat K.C. Patel, K. Kato and S. Hanada, Extremophile, 9:407-414 (2005). Impact factor2014=2.306 (Citation Nr.: 37 by 2016.4.22)
  46. Sphingosinicella microcystinivorans gen.nov.,sp.nov., a microcystin-degrading bacterium. T. Maruyama, H-D. Park, K. Ozawa, Y. Tanaka, T. Sumino, K. Hamana, A. Hiraishi and K. Kato, Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 56: 85-89 (2006). Impact factor2014=2.511
  47. Selective phylogenetic analysis targeted at 16S rRNA genes of thermophiles and hyperthermophiles in deep-subsurface geothermal environments. H. Kimura, M. Sugihara, K. Kato and S. Hanada, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 72:21-27 (2006). Impact factor2014=3.668 (Citation Nr.: 23 by 2016.4.22)
  48. Selective phylogenetic analysis targeting 16S rRNA genes of hyperthermophilic Archaea in the deep-subsurface hot biosphere. H. Kimura, J. Ishibashi, H. Masuda, K. Kato and S. Hanada, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 73:2110-2117 (2007). Impact factor2014=3.668 (Citation Nr.: 24 by 2021.4)
  49. Planktonic bacterial population dynamics with environmental changes in coastal areas of Suruga Bay. Takayuki Takenaka, Tomokazu Tashiro, Ayumi Ozaki, Hitomi Takakubo, Yutaka Yamamoto, Tomoko Maruyama, Kazuyo Nagaosa, Hiroyuki Kimura, Kenji Kato, Microbes and Environments, 22:257-267(2007). Impact factor2014= 2.231 (Citation Nr.:10 by 2021.4)
  50. Active bacterial populations and grazing impact revealed by an in situ experiment in a shallow aquifer. K. Nagaosa, T. Maruyama, N.Welikara, Y. Yamashita, Y.Saito, D. Fortin, K. Nanba, I. Miyasaka, S. Fukunaga and K. Kato, Geomicrobiol. J., 25:131-141 (2008). (Citation Nr.: 10 by 2016.4.22)
  51. Denitrification activity and relevant bacteria revealed by nitrite reductase gene fragments in soil of temperate mixed forest. C. Kastuyama , N. Kondoh, Y. Suwa, T. Yamagishi, M. Itoh, N. Ohte, H. Kimura, K. Nagaosa and K. Kato, Microbes and Environments, 23:337-345 (2008). Impact factor2014=2.231 (Citation Nr.: 43 by 2021.4.22)
  52. Complementary cooperation between two syntrophic bacteria in pesticide degradation. C. Katsuyama, S. Nakaoka, Y. Takeuchi, K. Tago, M. Hayatsu and K. Kato, J. Theoretical Biology, 256:644-654 (2009). Impact factor2014=2.116 (Citation Nr.: 38, by 2021.4)
  53. Unique distribution of deep groundwater bacteria constrained by geological setting. K. Kato, K. Nagaosa, H. Kimura, C. Katsuyama, K. Hama, T. Kunimaru, U. Tsunogai, K. Aoki, Environmental Microbiology Report, 1:569-574 (2009). Impact factor2015=3.517, (Citation Nr: 12 by 2021.4).
  54. Microbial methane production in deep aquifer associated with the accretionary prism in Southwest Japan. H. Kimura, H. Nashimoto, M. Shimizu, S. Hattori, K. Yamada, K. Koba, N. Yoshida and K. Kato. The ISME Journal, 4: 531-541(2010). Impact factor2014=9.302 (Citation Nr: 34 by 2021.4).
  55. Culture-independent estimation of optimal and maximum growth temperatures of archaea in subsurface habitats based on the G+C content in 16S rRNA gene sequences. H. Kimura, K. Mori, T. Tashiro, K. Kato, T. Yamanaka, J. Ishibashi, S. Hanada. Geomicrobiology J. 27:114-122 (2010). Impact factor2014=1.440 (Citation Nr.:11 by 2021.42)
  56. Biomass production and energy source of thermophiles in a Japanese alkaline geothermal pool. Kimura, H, K. Mori, H. Nashimoto, S. Hattori, K. Yamada, K. Koba, N. Yoshida, and K. Kato. Environ. Microbiol. 12:480-489(2010). Impact factor2014=6.201 (Citation Nr.: 11 by 2016.4.22)
  57. Population dynamics of Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota in the mixing front of river and marine waters. Do M.H., T. Tashiro, M. Kato, R. Sohrin, T. Ishibashi, C. Katsuyama, K. Nagaosa, H. Kimura T.D. Thanh and K. Kato, Microbes and Environments 25:126-132(2010) Impact factor2014= 2.231 (Citation Nr.: 29 by 2016.4.22)
  58. In situ biomass production of a hot spring sulfur-turf microbial mat. H. Kimura, K. Mori, H. Nashimoto and K.Kato, Microbes and Environments 25:126-132 (2010) Impact factor2014= 2.231 (Citation Nr: 5 by 2016.4.22)
  59. Male dimorphism in a new interstitial species of the genus Microloxoconcha (Podocopida: Ostracoda). R.Higashi, A.Tsukagoshi, H.Kimura and K. Kato, J. Crustacean Biology, 31:142-152(2011). Impact factor2014= 1.081 (Citation Nr: 4 by 2016.4.22)
  60. Contribution of anammox bacteria to benthic nitrogen cycling in a mangrove forest and shrimp ponds, Haiphong, Vietnam. T. Amano, I. yoshinaga, T. Yamagishi, C.V.Thuoc, P.T.Thu, S.Ueda, K. Kato, Y. Sako and Y. Suwa, Microbes and Environments 26:1-6(2011) Impact factor2015= 2.248 (Citation Nr.: 41, by 2021.4)
  61. Occurrence and potential activity of denitrifiers and methanogens in groundwater at 140 m depth in Pliocene diatomaceous mudstone of northern Japan. C. Katsuyama, H. Nashimoto, K. Nagaosa, T. Ishibashi , K. Furuta , T. Kinoshita , H. Yoshikawa , K. Aoki, T. Asano , Y. Sasaki , R. Sohrin , D. Komatsu , U. Tsunogai , H. Kimura, Y. Suwa, K. Kato, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 86: 532-543 (2013). Impact factor2014= 3.568 (Citation Nr.: 3 by 2016.4.22)
  62. Characterization of particulate matters in the Pripyat River in Chernobyl related to their adsorption of radiocesium with inhibition effect by natural organic matter. Hiroki Suga, Qiaohui Fan, Yasuo Takeichi, Kazuya Tanaka, Hiroaki Kondo, Vladimir V. Kanivets, Aya Sakaguch, Kenj Kato, Nobuhto Inam, Kazuhko Mase, Kanta Ono and Yosho Takahashi, Chemistry Letters, 43:1128-1130 (2014). Impact factor2014= 1.230 (Citation Nr: 4 by 2016.4.22), (Citation:10, 2021.4)
  63. Microbes in groundwater of a volcanic mountain, Mt. Fuji; 16S rDNA phylogenetic analysis as a possible indicator for the transport routes of groundwater. T. Segawa, A. Sugiyama, T. Kinoshita, R. Sohrin, T. Nakano, K. Nagaosa, D. Greenidge, K. Kato, Geomicrobiol. J., 32: 677-688 (2015). Impact factor2016= 1.76(Citation:3,2021.4)
  64. Effects of warming on microbial communities in coastal waters of temperate and subtropical zones in Northern Hemisphere with a focus on Gammaproteobacteria. Dao Thi Anh Tuyet, Toshinari Tanaka, Rumi Sohrin, Do Manh Hao, Kazuyo Nagaosa, Kenji Kato. J. Oceanography, 71:91-103 (2015). Impact factor2015=1.531,(Citation:5, 2021.4)
  65. Unveiled groundwater flushing from the deep seafloor in Suruga Bay. Kenji Kato, Takuya Okumura, Takuya Segawa, Takahito Unno, Darius Greenidge, Tetsu Nishioka, Koji Mori, Hiroyuki Tosaka, Kazuyo Nagaosa. Limnology, 16:79-83 (2015). Impact factor2014=1.117, (Citation:1, 2021.4)
  66. Transfer of rare earth elements (REE) from manganese oxides to phosphates during early diagenesis in pelagic sediments inferred from REE patterns, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and chemical leaching method. Yoshio Takahashi, Yasutaka Hayasaka, Koichi Morita, Teruhiko Kashiwabara, Ryoichi Nakada, Matthew A. Marcus, Kenji Kato, Kazuya Tanaka, Hiroshi Shimizu, Geochemical Journal, 49:653-674 (2015). Impact factor2014= 1.505 (Citation Nr: 3 by 2016.4.22)
  67. Comparison of Solid-Water Partitions of Radiocesium in River Waters in Fukushima and Chernobyl Areas. Yoshio Takahashi, Qiaohui Fan, Hiroki Suga, Kazuya Tanaka, Aya Sakaguchi, Yasuo Takeichi, Kanta Ono, Kazuhiko Mase, Kenji Kato & Vladimir V. Kanivets. Scientific Reports 7,Article number:12407. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12391-7 (2017) (Citation:15, 2021.4)
  68. Sorption behavior of Np(V) on microbe pure culture and consortia. Toshihiko Ohnuki, Naofumi Kozai, Fuminori Sakamoto, Satoshi Utsunomiya, Kenji Kato, Chemistry Letters,46:771-774 (2017) doi: 10.1246/cl.170068.(2017)
  69. Tracking the direct impact of rainfall on groundwater at Mt. Fuji by multiple analyses including microbial DNA. Ayumi Sugiyama,Suguru Masuda,Kazuyo Nagaosa, Maki Tsujimura, and Kenji Kato, Biogeosciences, 15:721-732 (2018). Impact factor2016= 3.851, (Citation:5, 2021.4)
  70. Ultramicrobacteria from Nitrate- and Radionuclide-Contaminated Groundwater. Tamara Nazina  Tamara Babich , Nadezhda Kostryukova, Diyana Sokolova, Ruslan Abdullin, Tatyana Tourova,       Vitaly Kadnikov, Andrey Mardanov, Nikolai Ravin, Denis Grouzdev, Andrey Poltaraus, Stepan Kalmykov, Alexey Safonov,  Sustainability, 12 1239-doi:10.3390/su12031239.(2020)
  71. Revisiting Mt Fuji’s groundwater origins with helium, vanadium and environmental DNA tracers. O.S.Schilling, K.nagaosa, T. U. Schilling, M. S. Brennwald, R. Sohrin, Y. Tomonaga, P.B.Brenner, R. Kiefer & K. Kato. Nature Water,1:60-73 (2023).


Professor Kenji Kato
Adress:Shizuoka University
836 Ohya, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka,
422-8529, Japan