Guidelines for education and research activities in laboratories

The highest priority of the Faculty of Science is to ensure the safety of researchers (undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, etc.). Hence, no entry is allowed except for research staff involved in the following educational and research activities.

  1. Long-lasting experiments that would result in significant research loss due to discontinuation
  2. Terminating or suspending ongoing experiments
  3. Temporarily entering the room for maintenance of research equipment, fridges and freezers, computer servers, living animals, and replenishment of liquid nitrogen, etc.
  4. Experiments related to the new coronavirus

If the research activities indicated above apply to you, please submit a notification of the facility use to your supervisor. Supervisors are required to take the following measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

  1. Health management of research staff by the health observation sheet.
  2. Avoid the three Cs (Confined spaces, Crowded places, and Close contact) by limiting the number of people in the laboratory.
  3. Avoid poor ventilation in the laboratory.
  4. Careful disinfection of hands and fingers.

As a policy for the future, regarding face-to-face research and educational activities that are allowed to be conducted in the Faculty of Science, the faculty member in charge of the activities will inform its implementation through the Student Affairs System at least two weeks before the starting date.



This guideline will cease to be effective as of June 7th, 2020, due to the start of some face-to-face classes.