Caution: Prevent influenza from spreading

This year, the influenza epidemic is going around nationwide earlier than usual. Shizuoka Prefecture has entered into the influenza season from the end of October.
Early caution is necessary. A peak may come in December if the influenza epidemic expands at the usual pace. If you want to get a vaccine to prevent influenza, please have it by the end of November. The vaccine supply seems to be sufficient.As preventive measures against influenza,
・washing hands frequently.
・keeping disciplined life and adequate rest, balanced diet and proper hydration.
・keeping cough etiquette.
・maintaining moderate humidification (humidity 50-60%) and ventilation.
・Vaccination (at clinic) is most effective.
Influenza is one of the school infectious diseases based on the School Health Safety Law.

Exclusion period:
Until at least 5 days pass from the onset and 2 days pass after the fever is gone (down)
*Check body temperature. If your body temperature is over 37.5℃ you should refrain from participating in any activities and seek medical attention.
Check sheet (PDF)
*Call your department / Health Care Center

【 Student Affairs 】
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: 054-238-4485
Education: 054-238-4580
Science :054-238- 4717
Informatics :053-478-1510
Agriculture :054-238-4816
Engineering :053-478-1670

Health Care Center 保健センター
Shizuoka  静岡 054-238-4468(4468)
Hamamatu 浜松 053-478-1012(1012)

*Student must submit this certificate to Health Care Center.