小塚君の研究が優秀論文(Selected Paper)に選出されました

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japanに投稿した小塚君の論文が優秀論文(Selected Paper)に選出されました。それを記念して、オープンアクセス化しましたので、ぜひ、ご覧いただけますと幸いです。また、インサイドカバーも間もなく公開されると思います。


“Enhancing Multiphase Reactions by Boosting Local Gas Concentration with Ultrafine Bubbles”
Kozuka, T.; Iio, T.; Suzuki, S.; Kakiuchi, K.; Tadano, G.; Sato, K.; Narumi, T.; Mase, N.,
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2023, 96 (8), 752-758.

[Open Access] https://www.journal.csj.jp/doi/abs/10.1246/bcsj.20230110



【連 載】〈フロー合成の魅力 ~安全・高効率なグリーンものづくりへ~〉
「第1回 フロー合成の魅力 ~なぜフロー合成?~」 間瀬 暢之

第5期 若手重点研究者に佐藤先生が選定されました

助教 佐藤 浩平 (SATO Kohei) ペプチド・タンパク質化学|静岡大学 (shizuoka.ac.jp)



「研究フェロー」は、 卓越した個人研究のみならず、学際・未踏研究の組織的推進の中核的な人材として若手教員の育成も含めた活躍が期待される教員です。


※ 「研究フェロー制度」「若手重点研究者制度」は、2011年度に始まった「卓越研究者制度」「若手重点研究者制度」を第3期(2016〜2018年度)から名称変更したものです。

第5期 研究フェローに間瀬先生が選定されました

研究フェロー・若手重点研究者|静岡大学 (shizuoka.ac.jp)

教授 間瀬 暢之 (MASE Nobuyuki) グリーン有機化学|静岡大学 (shizuoka.ac.jp)



「研究フェロー」は、 卓越した個人研究のみならず、学際・未踏研究の組織的推進の中核的な人材として若手教員の育成も含めた活躍が期待される教員です。


※ 「研究フェロー制度」「若手重点研究者制度」は、2011年度に始まった「卓越研究者制度」「若手重点研究者制度」を第3期(2016〜2018年度)から名称変更したものです。


日本プロセス化学会2023サマーシンポジウム (cdsympo.com)


招待講演 ≪アカデミア≫
「イオン対を鍵とする合成化学」大井 貴史(名古屋大学)
「ラジカルが拓く新触媒・新反応・新機能」大宮 寛久(京都大学)
「中分子合成の事業化に向けた大学発スタートアップの挑戦」千葉 一裕(東京農工大学)
「酸化反応を基軸とした多環性アルカロイドの全合成」徳山 英利(東北大学)
「化学資源変革を目指した有機合成:鐵と森林で明るい未来を!」中村 正治(京都大学)

招待講演 ≪インダストリー≫
「統計的手法を活用したFutibatinibの製法開発」阿部 康則(大鵬薬品工業)
「プロセス強化(Process Intensification)を実現するフロー合成技術への期待 ~住友ファーマの取り組み紹介~」臼谷 弘次(住友ファーマ)
「不斉有機触媒を用いる神経障害性疼痛薬ミロガバリンの高効率的合成法の開発」 中村 嘉孝(第一三共)
「バイオ医薬品の生産性向上に向けた技術革新と中外製薬の挑戦」渡邊 洋介(中外製薬)

「失敗から学ぶ “思い込みが根本原因を捉え損ねるリスク”」大東 篤(アステラス製薬)
「失敗から得る教訓を如何に原薬プロセス研究の高質化につなげるか:エーザイでの事例を交えて」栢野 明生(エーザイ)
「農薬原体プロセス研究 -結晶多形の制御-」齋藤 紘久(日産化学)
「挑戦→失敗→反省、いつか成功:研究も人生も一緒」間瀬 暢之(静岡大学)

早稲田大学 武岡先生、垣内先生との共同研究成果


Do Ultrafine Bubbles Work as Oxygen Carriers?

Kenta Kakiuchi, Tomoki Kozuka, Nobuyuki Mase, Takehiro Miyasaka, Norikazu Harii, and Shinji Takeoka


Fine bubbles (FBs) are bubbles with sizes less than 100 μm and are divided into ultrafine bubbles (UFBs, < 1 μm) and microbubbles (MBs, 1–100 μm) depending on their size. Although FB aeration is known as a more efficient way than macrobubble aeration to increase the oxygen level in unoxygenated water, few reports have demonstrated whether dispersed UFBs work as oxygen carriers or not. Furthermore, oxygen supersaturation is one of the attractive characteristics of FB dispersion, but the reason is yet to be revealed. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between the FBs, especially UFB concentration, and oxygen content in several situations to reveal the two questions. The FB concentration and oxygen content were examined using particle analyzers and our developed oxygen measurement method, which can measure the oxygen content in FB dispersion, respectively. First, in the evaluations of the oxygen dispersion from UFBs with respect to the surrounding oxygen level, UFBs did become neither small nor diminish even in degassed water. Second, the changes in UFBs and oxygen content upon storage temperature and the existence of a lid during storage were evaluated, and there was no correlation between them. It means UFBs contribute little to the oxygen content in UFB dispersion. Furthermore, the oxygen content in the UFB dispersion decreased over time identically as that of the oxygen-supersaturated water with little UFBs. Third, we evaluated the relationship between FB concentration and oxygen content during FB generation by measuring them simultaneously. The results showed that dispersed MB and UFB concentrations did not account for the supersaturation of the FB dispersion. From the result, it was revealed that 100–200 nm of UFBs themselves did not work as oxygen carriers, and the oxygen supersaturation in FB dispersions was due to the supersaturated state of dissolved oxygen that was prepared during the FB generation process.

Do Ultrafine Bubbles Work as Oxygen Carriers? | Langmuir (acs.org)

Taylor’s大学 S. H. Mah先生との共同研究成果

Synthesis of benzylated amine‐substituted xanthone derivatives and their antioxidant and anti‐inflammatory activities – Wong – Archiv der Pharmazie – Wiley Online Library

Ka Woong Wong, Soek Sin Teh, Kung Pui Law, Intan Safinar Ismail, Kohei Sato, Nobuyuki Mase, Siau Hui Mah


Oxidative stress and its constant companion, inflammation, play a critical part in the pathogenesis of many acute and chronic illnesses. The discovery of new multi-targeted drug candidates with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties is deemed necessary. Thus, a series of novel xanthone derivatives with halogenated benzyl (4b–4d, 4f–4h) and methoxylated benzyl groups (4e) attached to the butoxy amine substituent were synthesized in this study. The synthesized xanthone derivatives exhibited stronger antioxidant activity against H2O2 scavenging than the standard drug, α-tocopherol, but weaker towards DPPH scavenging and ferrous ion chelation. Besides that, 4b–4d, 4f–4h demonstrated good anti-inflammatory activities through NO production inhibition towards lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced RAW 264.7 cells and showed 2–4 times stronger effects than the standard drug, diclofenac sodium. Moreover, compound 4b with two brominated benzyl groups attached to the butoxy amine substituent suppressed the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNF-α and IL-1β, significantly. Structure–activity relationship elucidated that the halogenated benzylamine substituent plays an important role in contributing the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of xanthones. In summary, xanthone 4b was identified as a potential lead compound to be further developed into antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drugs. Thus, further studies on the related mechanisms of action of 4b are recommended.