Development of Novel Amino Acids Containing N-mercaptophenetyl (MPE)-type Auxiliary and Orthogonal Protecting Groups for Sequential Ligation of Multiple Peptides

Development of Novel Amino Acids Containing N-mercaptophenetyl (MPE)-type Auxiliary and Orthogonal Protecting Groups for Sequential Ligation of Multiple Peptides

Yoshinori TaguchiKohei WatanabeKohei SatoNobuyuki MaseTetsuo Narumi

ChemistrySelect 2024, 9, e202402339.

Novel amino acids containing N-mercaptophenethyl-type auxiliary and orthogonal protecting groups (tert-butyloxycarbonyl (Boc), 1,3-thiazolidine-4-carbonyl (Thz), and allyloxycarbonyl (Alloc)) were developed and applied to sequential ligation of multiple peptides in a one-pot fashion. The combination of these acids enables the synthesis of a branched peptide featuring a lysine side chain.

Substitution Effects of Alkene Dipeptide Isosteres on Adjacent Peptide Bond Rotation

Substitution Effects of Alkene Dipeptide Isosteres on Adjacent Peptide Bond Rotation

Chihiro Iio, Kohei Sato, Nobuyuki Mase, Tetsuo Narumi

Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2024, 72, 596-599.


Alkene dipeptide isosteres (ADIs) are promising surrogates of peptide bonds that enhance the bioactive peptide resistance to enzymatic hydrolysis in medicinal chemistry. In this study, we investigated the substitution effects of an ADI on the energy barrier of cis–trans isomerization in the acetyl proline methyl ester (Ac-Pro-OMe) model. The (E)-alkene-type proline analog, which favors a cis-amide conformation, exhibits a lower rotational barrier than native Ac-Pro-OMe. A van’t Hoff analysis suggests that the energy barrier is primarily reduced by enthalpic repulsion. It was concluded that although carbon–carbon double bonds and pyrrolidine rings individually increase the rigidity of the incorporation site, their combination can provide structural flexibility and disrupt bioactive conformations. This work provides new insights into ADI-based drug design.

河合翔哉 (B4) が日本薬学会第144年会にて学生優秀発表賞を受賞しました!

この度、当研究室の河合翔哉 (B4/現M1) が2023年3月28日から31日に神奈川県横浜市で行われた日本薬学会第144年会でポスター発表を行い、その優れた発表内容が評価され、学生優秀発表賞を受賞しました。


環状アミジン骨格含有ペプチド : ヒスチコルガチンの合成研究
○河合 翔哉1、田口 佳紀2、佐藤 浩平1、間瀬 暢之1、二又 裕之1、鳴海 哲夫1,2 (1. 静岡大工、2. 静岡大院光医工)


Amide-to-chloroalkene substitution for overcoming intramolecular acyl transfer challenges in hexapeptidic neuromedin U receptor 2 agonists

Amide-to-chloroalkene substitution for overcoming intramolecular acyl transfer challenges in hexapeptidic neuromedin U receptor 2 agonists

Tetsuo Narumi, Daichi Toyama, Junko Fujimoto, Ryuji Kyan, Kohei Sato, Kenji Mori, James T. Pearson, Nobuyuki Mase, Kentaro Takayama

Chem. Commun. 2024, 60, 3563-3566.


CPN-116 is a peptidic agonist that activates human neuromedin U receptor type 2 (NMUR2) but suffers from chemical instability due to inherent backbone isomerization on the Dap residue. To address this, a Leu-Dap-type (Z)-chloroalkene dipeptide isostere was synthesized diastereoselectively as a surrogate of the Leu-Dap peptide bond to develop a (Z)-chloroalkene analogue of CPN-116. The synthesized CPN-116 analogue is stable in 1.0 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) without backbone isomerization and can activate NMUR2 with similar potency to CPN-116 at nM concentrations (EC50 = 1.0 nM).

Late-Stage Derivatization of Oleanolic Acid-Based Anti-HIV-1 Compounds

Late-Stage Derivatization of Oleanolic Acid-Based Anti-HIV-1 Compounds

Reon Takeuchi, Junko Fujimoto, Yoshinori Taguchi, Ryuji Ide, Ryuji Kyan, Kohei Sato, Nobuyuki Mase, Masaru Yokoyama, Shigeyoshi Harada, Tetsuo Narumi

Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2024, 72, 330-335.


A 12-keto-type oleanolic acid derivative (4) has been identified as a potent anti-human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) compound that demonstrates synergistic effects with several types of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies. In the present study, we used a common key synthetic intermediate to carry out the late-stage derivatization of an anti-HIV compound based on the chemical structure of a 12-keto-type oleanolic acid derivative. To execute this strategy, we designed a diketo-type oleanolic acid derivative (5) for chemoselective transformation, targeting the carboxy group and the hydroxyl group on the statine unit, as well as the 3-carbonyl group on the oleanolic acid unit, as orthogonal synthetic handles. We carried out four types of chemoselective transformations, leading to identification of the indole-type derivative (16) as a novel potent anti-HIV compound. In addition, further optimization of the β-hydroxyl group on the statine unit provided the R-4-isobutyl γ-amino acid-type derivative (6), which exhibited potent anti-HIV activity comparable to that of 4 but with reduced cytotoxicity.



この度、当研究室の岸川聖 (M1/現M2) が2023年12月7日から8日にマレーシアのクアラルンプールにて行われたInternational Conference on Green Science and Technology 2023(ICGST2023、グリーン科学技術に関する国際会議)でポスター発表を行い、その優れた発表内容が評価され、SCHOLARLY EXCELLENCE AWARDを受賞しました。


Structure-activity relationship study of tetrahydrocarbazole derivatives inhibiting HCV particle formation
○Hijiri Kishikawa1, Junko Fujimoto2, Kohei Sato1,2, Nobuyuki Mase1,2, Tetsuro Suzuki3, Tetsuo Narumi1,2 (1. Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, 2. Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University, 3. Hamamatsu University School of Medicine.)


Peptidomimetic Catalysts as Chemical Probes of Weak Intermolecular Forces: An Insight into The N-H…Cl-C H-Bonding Interaction

Peptidomimetic Catalysts as Chemical Probes of Weak Intermolecular Forces: An Insight into The N-H…Cl-C H-Bonding Interaction

Chihiro Iio, Takuma Nishizawa, Takuya Chiba, Junko Fujimoto, Yuki Kodama, Kohei Sato, Nobuyuki Mase, Tetsuo Narumi


ChemRxiv, 2023. DOI: 10.26434/chmrxiv-2023-zp00r


Despite the widespread use of amide bond isosteres, there is only a limited understanding of their H-bonding mimicry of amides. With experimental and computational approaches, we have explored the hydrogen bonding acceptor potential of the chlorine substituent in chloroalkene dipeptide isosteres (CADIs). The (Z)-chloroalkene and (E)-methylalkene analogues of peptide catalysts were synthesized and employed as probe molecules to assess the H-bonding acceptor capabilities of CADIs. These peptidomimetic studies provide experimental evidence supporting the existence of an intermolecular H-bonding interaction between the chlorine substituent in CADIs and the amide proton of the carbamate substrate. These findings show the capability of peptide catalysts to experimentally evaluate weak intermolecular forces. DFT calculations elucidated that the chlorine substituent in CADIs prefers to form p-type hydrogen bonding interactions on the lateral portions of the chlorine atom, which is different from the carbonyl oxygen of amides which predominantly forms s-type H-bonds in peptide secondary structures.




ひさびさに Part 2.

飯尾智裕くん(M2)が第69回 日本薬学会 東海支部大会の一般講演で、学生優秀発表賞を受賞しました!受賞した発表題目は下記の通りです。

(1 静岡大院総合、2 静岡大工)
