天竜ブランチ / Tenryu Branch

  • ■天竜ブランチ





    天竜ブランチの林班概要図 (pdf)



    フィールドから車で15分ほどの場所に、事務所と2棟の宿舎があります。最大宿泊可能人数は50名で、各棟に風呂・トイレ・空調が整備されています。 また、講義室では無線LANによるインターネットが使用可能です。近年のフィールド利用頻度の増加にともない、エアコンや新館と本館をつなぐ渡り廊下の設置など、宿泊環境の拡充を進めています。

    本館 : 講義室(30名)、厨房、風呂トイレ、1F寝室1(2名)、1F寝室2(10名)、2F寝室(20名)、談話室 (キッチン、冷蔵庫、電子レンジ)
    女性専用棟 : 寝室(20名)、風呂トイレ(洗濯機、乾燥機)
    事務所 : 事務室、2F教官室、実験室(15名)、風呂トイレ、2F寝室(1~2名)


  • ■Tenryu Branch

    The Tenryu Branch (in Kamiatago) is located upstream of the Atago river in the Tenryu river system. It covers an area of 61 ha, more than 95% of which is covered by cypress tree (Chamaecyparis obtusa) plantations. Eighty-year-old and 100-year-old stands account for 52% and 11.3%, respectively, of the total plantation area. The remainder predominantly comprises young cypress trees (less than 50 years old). Apart from the plantations, the area contains two-storied Pinus taeda and Chamaecyparis obtusa forests, Pinus thunbergii forest, and secondary laurel forests.

    The local climate is considered warm-temperate. The annual average temperature is 14.4 °C, and annual rainfall is, on average, 2,300 mm. Snowfall occurs several times a year; however, snow rarely persists on the ground. The strong northwest wind in the winter leaves the area dry. The predominant soil type in this area is dry yellowish-brown forest soil.

    A mutual use agreement with the Tenryu District Forest Office from November 2014 facilitates the use of the “Kannon Forest”, a protected forest area of 4.6 ha near Tenryu Branch, for practice and research. Japanese cedar trees (Cryptomeria japonica) had been planted in this forest in the Edo period but have not been maintained. At present, conifers are mixed with broad-leaved trees such as Quercus acuta, Castanopsis sieboldii, and Litsea coreana.

    More than 150 tree species can be observed in plantations and secondary laurel forests, including shrubs such as Callicarpa mollis, Lindera umbellata, Eurya japonica, and Zanthoxylum piperitum.
    Photo book of the flora in Tenryu

    Utilizing the different types of forest described above, we conduct education and research regarding management of timber plantations in suburban regions.
    Forest compartment map of Tenryu (pdf)

    ◯Research/education facilities
    Meteorological observation tower: two towers of 25 m height are available for measuring above-canopy wind speed.

    There is an office and two lodgings that can accommodate up to 50 persons, about 15 minutes (by car) from the field site. Each building is equipped with a bathroom, a toilet, and air conditioners. Wi-Fi is available in the lecture room.

    Lodging 1 (main): lecture room (~ 30 persons), kitchen, bathroom/toilet, three bedrooms (~ 2, 10, and 20 persons), common room (with a kitchen including a refrigerator and a microwave)
    Lodging 2 (for women): bedroom (~20 persons), bathroom/toilet (with a laundry machine)
    Office: office room, staff room, laboratory (~15 persons), bathroom/toilet, bedroom (1-2 persons)

    >>About the field